she cant be dead

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EMMY WAS PETRIFIED, the amount of blood dripping onto the floor coming from Gigi was alarming. Not to mention, she would go unconscious a little too long for Emmy's liking but the pilot had assured her they were two minutes from the hospital, even at the speed they were going it felt like slow motion to the brunette.

She looked out the window and saw the hospital, "Gigi, hang on. We're at the hospital." Emmy assured her.

Once they touched onto the ground, everything seemed to hit fast forward. Gisele was unloaded from the helicopter onto a stretcher and wheeled inside. The very attractive Italian doctors were speaking way too fast for her. She was led to what she assumed was a waiting room where she waited for ten minutes before another doctor came and the only word she got was 'stable' they motioned for her to follow, so she did and was led into the scrub area then was gowned up. They held the door open for her, walking in she saw various scrub nurses setting up for surgery around Gigi.

Emmy rushed over to the brunette and reached for her hand, "Hey, you scared the shit out of me."

She smiled sleepily, "Sorry, I couldn't help it." she said through chattering teeth.

"Are you okay?"

Gisele shrugged, "I'm a little nervous, I'm about to be sliced open. Also, I'm cold."

Emmy noticed Gigi had in fact been shivering.

The lead surgeon, at least that's who Emmy assumed it was, walked in and a scrub nurse gowned them up.

"Ha freddo." Emmy said.

The lady nodded then announced, "Qualcuno alzi il fuoco."

Everyone is speaking, Emmy guessed they were running through a checklist just like they do back in the states. They were speaking rapidly, then the lead surgeon asked for the scalpel.

Gisele took a shake breath right as the knife sliced into her, it was an odd feeling.

Emmy heard the off putting inhale and looked down at her best friend, "Did you feel that?" She didn't want this experience to be any more traumatizing than it already was for her friend.

Gigi shook her head, "No, it just feels funny.

That made her feel slightly better, Emmy turned back and watched the surgeon continue the operation. Blood started seeping through the incision, way too much for Emmy's comfort but she didn't have an expertise in ob, it could be a normal amount of blood for all she knew.

But she decided to ask, just to be on the safe side, "Sanguina molto?"

The lady nodded, "Un po' ma niente di cui preoccuparsi." The moments that followed were spent in silence as she continued cutting, then Emmy could see the smile forming on the surgeon's eyes, "Ecco il bambino." She quickly held up the tiny baby, showing her off to who she assumed were the parents. "È una ragazza!"

The baby was completely silent, not even a whimper was heard, it was alarming, "Non sta piangendo. Lei non respira."

"Sta respirando bene." She assured Gisele, the baby was breathing just fine.

"Three girls." Emmy told her friend, "Congrats."

Gisele was shaking so much now, and Emmy noticed the labored breaths her friend was taking now. Something was wrong.

Abruptly, the rhythmic beeping of Gigi's steady heartbeat became erratic and the blood was now gushing out of her body. Emmy was grabbed from behind and pushed out of the operating room.

She watched through the window as Gisele flatlined, this couldn't be happening. She couldn't be losing her friend, her sister. Tears began falling down her face, someone tapped on her shoulder, it was one of the NICU doctors, they were pushing the incubator that held the baby.

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