hard bargain

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Shouting was the reason Gisele had woken up, she tried blocking out the noise with pillows which seemed to be useless. Finally giving up she threw the covers off out of frustration, sat up and stepped into her slippers before leaving her room.

As she got closer to the living room the shouts got louder and clearer, why they were shouting numbers at three in the morning was beyond her.

"Derek," she sleepily called out as she rounded the corner, "What's going on?" the shouting stopped. Once she was at the entrance of the living room she saw Arizona and Callie.

Derek turned to his sister, "Nothing, go back to bed." He said in a soothing voice, the same one he used when she was four and had night terrors.

She sighed, "That's kind of hard when people are shouting." crossing the living room and into the kitchen to make tea. It seemed every move she made was tracked by the attendings. Once her tea was ready she quickly grabbed he mug and began walking to her room, "Don't worry big brother, I'll wear my headphones and bing watch a few episodes of some corny tv show to give you some privacy."

They watched her disappear down the hall and waited till they heard a door closing, Arizona and Callie looked at Derek and Meredith with bewilderment, "I thought this was a private conversation, why is Baby Shepherd here?"

Arizona nodded, "Yeah, it's not private if she's going to blab to her intern friends."

"She lives here." Derek said.

Back in Gisele's room she muffled all the shouting by watching some documentary on Netflix about flat-earthers and making fun of it.

Gisele groaned as she, her brother, and Meredith entered the hospital.

"Big brother, I'm depressed."

"And why are you depressed, Gigi?"

"It's raining, it's been raining this whole week. I don't like it, I miss the sun."

"You'll get used to it." Derek said.

"But I don't want to get used to it. I miss the sun."

Before he could respond Arizona came up to them and apologizing to Derek, "Hey, Derek. I owe you an apology."

He shook his head, "Oh, no. There's no need."

"No, no, I do. It was late, and I was tired and stressed out."

"Well, we were all stressed out. We're just trying to do our best." Derek said.

"No, I know, but I had no right to call you egotistical."

"It was "Egomaniacal," I think." He corrected.

"Yeah. I was out of line." They reached the elevators, coming to a stop where Webber was standing, staring st the wall, there was yet another giant poster of him, "On the other hand..." Arizona trailed off before leaving.

"I hate to burst your bubble big brother, but you are a bit egotistical."

"You're Pegasus' "Face of the hospital?" Webber asked in shock.

"Cahill said it would be some brochures, some schmoozing, not ... all of this." Derek sighed.

"Not a whole lot of practicing medicine either. I hope you know what you're in for." Webber said, "No offense, Derek. I mean, it's a great face, but ... this is a lot of it."

"I mean, this is kind of gross." Meredith said as they walked into the elevator.

"This is unacceptable." Derek said.

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