I want you with me

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jackson paced back and forth in front of the elevators, waiting for his mother to arrive. He had just seen Gisele, who was asleep when he go there, he was terrified when he heard the news about her, she had become one of his favorite persons. The ding, signaling the doors opening brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hey," he greeted his mother with a hug, "I know. I'm fine. Hey look, I need to run to my nec fasc surgery."

Catherine nodded, "How's Gisele?"

Jackson let out a sigh, "Good, she's stable. She had ventricular fibrillation, her heart bottomed out and was in v-fib but her heart is beating steady. She also has grade 1 brain bleed, and a head lac. She was sleeping when I went by to check on her. She was lucky."

Catherine frowned, "Poor baby... and Richard?"

"He's in cardiogenic shock."

Catherine gasped, dear entering her body, "No."

Jackson handed his mother Richard's chart, "Bailey feels like there's likely some internal necrosis, so she took him up to the OR."

"With this kind of cardiac compromise?"

Jackson nodded, "Yeah and she..."

"Uh-uh," Catherine shoved the papers back to Jackson and walked off.

Knowing his mother was going to cause a scene, he went after her, "Mom... mom!"

Once he declared Heather dead and scrubbed out, he went up to the maternity ward to see his wife. He got to her room and stood in the doorway.

"Oh Derek." Meredith said, feeling sympathetic for her husband having just heard the news about Heather.

"I'm gonna go my see how my baby sister is doing." He informed before making his way to Gisele's room.

He entered to see a teary-eyed Jo sitting next to the bed holding his sister's hand, "Thank you for staying with her Wilson," she got up and headed for the door, "I'm sorry about your friend." He went over to the chair, taking Jo's previous spot next to Gisele.

A while later, Gisele heard steady beeping as she blinked, attempting to focus her vision. Once it did, she saw a bland beige wall, she turned her head to see her brother sitting next to her, holding her hand and looked like he was praying.

She squeezed, "Derek?"

His head snapped up toward her, a wide smile finding its way onto his face. He stood from his seat and bent over giving her a kiss, "How are you feeling?"

Gisele gave him a weak smile, "Like I was electrocuted."

"You were lucky." He said.

Gisele nodded, "Heather's dead, isn't she?"

"She had a subdural bleed, we managed to fix but there was too much swelling." Derek explained.

Gisele was silent, letting the news sink in, "What about me?"

"Ventricular fibrillation, a grade 1 brain bleed, and head lac." He explained right as Catherine entered the room.

"Oh, sweetie," she pushed Derek out of the way and gently hugged her, "I was worried sick, how you feeling?

Gisele smiled, "Better."

"That's great," she kissed Gisele's forehead, "I will be back later once all this Richard business is set straight." She said before leaving the room.

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