puttin' on the ritz

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Gisele didn't imagine her first day back at work would involve being wheeled through the ER doors on a stretcher.

"Coming through!" Nicole yelled.

Gisele once again attempted to get off the stretcher but Nicole gently pushed her down, "Nicole, I'm fine."

"Gisele," Stephanie, Shane and April all gasped.

"What happened?" April asked.

"Once upon a time, three idiots got wasted and ran their car into a tree after they ran into Gisele."

"It wasn't that bad besides I'm fine except for the fact them my Tesla isn't but I'm fine."

"Take her to bed 1," April instructed Nicole.

After Gisele was checked out and cleared for work, she changed into her scrubs and headed back to the ER when she ran into her Jackson.

He engulfed her in a hug, "You're looking refreshed."

Gisele noticed he was all dressed up in his suit, "I am... why are you in a suit?"

"You missed a board meeting and I didn't expecting to be back home or at work so soon."

"I got bored. What was the meeting about?"

Jackson motioned to his suit, "We're having a party."

Her eyebrows raised, "A party?"

"Yes, a party, a gala fundraiser. We invite the richest people we know and charm money out of them."

She groaned, "Why?"

"Because we need the money, have you seen the outpatient surgery wing. It's totally destroyed."

Gisele nodded, "I don't have to go. Do I?"

"Yes, it's mandatory."

Gisele let out a long sigh, "So, I have to go home get ressed," he nodded and Gisele continued, "And am I going to this thing as a board member charming people out of money or are you people going to be charming me because I'll just write a blank check right now you can put however much you need. Why didn't you guys just ask me to donate, I have an abundance of money that I have no clue what to do with; I've literally donated to every charity I can think of, from building bridges for kids so they can go to school to bringing water to people who don't have it, building schools, helping people get out of poverty and it's barely made a dent. So if you have any ideas for anymore charities or whatever please tell me." Gisele explained, "Oh, and I'm not going."

He caught her wrist before she walked away, "You have to, We're a team."

She smiled, "We are but I also have to study for my intern exams."

He reluctantly sighed, "Fine, but your going to the next one."

"Fine." She said and made her way over to the nurses station where April and the rest of the interns were.

"Good, you're back. How do you feel?" April asked.

"Okay, I'd be better if my car wasn't f asked into but ready to work."

April nodded, "Great, I'm going to the gala, so you'll be the only one running the ER. Shepherd, you're in charge. Call a grown up if you need to." She grabbed her handbag about to leave when she was stopped by Stephanie and Shane's whining.

"Wait, why is she in charge?" Stephanie asked.

"That's not fair, we've been her longer." Leah added.

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