map of you

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Waves washing ashore calmed Gisele, she closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and began meditating. A few minutes later she jumped in her seat as the door slammed shut, opening her eyes she looked over at the passengers seat to see her brother holding a cupcake and changing the song from her phone.

"Is this what you listened to on the commune?" He joked.

She playfully glared at him and snatched her phone away from him, "You're hilarious, really." She sarcastically said.

He chuckled, "Thanks, I know."

"I've never even been to a commune, I know I'm considered a "hippie" but I'm now that hippie. And what's with the cupcake?"

He held the cupcake out to her, "For you, for passing your intern exam."

"Are you ready to go?" She said catching Derek off guard.

"What no thank you, it's your favorite, red velvet."

She smiled, "Thanks but I'm gonna be late if we don't leave because you were taking so long." She said and pulled out of the driveway.

"Do you know how long it took me to make this cupcake?"

"The it took you to go to the store, buy them and get home."

His smile widened, "How did you know?"

"I know you nor Meredith know how to make... and I saw the box. I gave one to Zola, she kept asking for one."

Once parked, she grabbed her bag and got out of the car but before she could run inside the hospital Derek stopped her, "Gisele," she stopped and turned to look at her brother, "You're forgetting your cupcake."

"Oh, it's fine you can have it."

Derek stopped her again this time woth a worried look, "Gisele, you haven't been-" Gisele groaned, walked over and took the cupcake away from him before he could finish his sentence.

"I am fine, I just want to get to the resident locker room. I'll eat your dumb cupcake when I get there."

He smiled before kissing her cheek, "I'm proud of you, and I'm glad your following in my footsteps and becoming a neurosurgeon. Your on my service right?"

She gave him a tight lipped smile, "No, I've been on it for a week," she said before running inside and up to the residents locker room.

"What's up, second year!" Leah cheerfully said when Gisele stepped into the room, "This is a step up, right?"

Before she could answer, Shane spoke, "Are these assigned?"

She nodded, "Yes," she pulled on her lab coat for emphasis, "There's a lab coat with your name."

"Gisele, you're next to me," Jo said. Gisele walked over and pulled her lab goat out of the cubby, running her fingers over her name.

She was excited that she was advancing in her career.

"Why are there no doors on these?" Leah asked.

"I know, right? Like, "hello, tampons.

Meet everyone." Stephanie joked.

The happy mood quickly left when Leah told the others Heather had also gotten a coat, Shane quickly stormed out of the room

Leah turned to the girls with a confused look, "Okay, is he being weird?"

"Did he fail the exam? He left right after. He didn't come celebrate." Jo said.

"Maybe he feels bad." Gisele added.

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