keep me in your heart

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After what seemed like an eternity, her cousin, Talia pulled up to her. Gisele walked to the passenger door, set her donut pillow on the seat and carefully sat down before slamming the door shut.

"You're mad." She stated, starting to drive.

"Yeah, I'm mad. Why didn't anyone tell me about it sooner? I could've helped."

"It was already way advanced when she was diagnosed a little over six months ago," Talia said, "She's ready to go, has been since she found out."

Gisele rolled her eyes and leaned against the car window.

"What's with the pillow?"

Gisele looked down, remembering her pillow, "Oh, I broke my tailbone."

A beat of silence passed when Talia remembered Gisele hadn't put any bags in the car, "Where's your luggage?"

At the mention of bags, Gisele realized she hadn't packed or brought any bags with her. She'd been on autopilot since receiving the call about her grandmother that she'd forgotten to pack another bag or just take the one she'd packed for Miami.

"I forgot."

"How could you forget?" she asked, "You're staying here for at least two weeks not a few days."

"I know, I just didn't think."

They soon arrived to her grandmother's house, feeling queasy due to the bumpiness of the roads but held it together wanting to see her grandma. She greeted her whole family as quickly as she could, wanting to get to her grandma.

Gisele went into her grandmother's room, sitting down right beside her, "Why didn't you tell me sooner? We need to get you to a hospital, get some scans. We could Hepatectomy, I don't think a liver transplant is the right choice, you'd need to get better-"

"Gisele, I am ready. I do not need or want any medical treatment."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Gisele asked, "I could've helped."

Fetu shook her head, "You were going through a hard time if I told you, you would not have gotten help," she grabbed hold of Gisele's hand, gently squeezing it, "Don't be sad, I have lived my life. Now you live yours and let people help, let yourself love and be loved. I am at peace, it is my time now and I want to spend my last days on earth with family, here in my home."

Gisele sniffled, attempting to hold back tears and failing miserably, "Okay... How are you feeling?"

Fetu reached up, wiping Gisele's tears away, "I am okay."

"Are you in any pain?"

"No, I am fine," she reassured her, "You say hi to everyone."

Gisele nodded, "Mhm, every single body."

Jackson had paged, called, and texted Gisele and had gotten zero response. He guessed she'd gone home since they had gotten back from Miami and working was the last thing she wanted to do when she was jet lagged.

He was about to go to her house to see her when he caught sight of Amelia at a nurses station, "Hey, have you seen Gigi?"

"Yeah, right before she left for Samoa." She said, directing most of her attention to the computer.

Jackson scrunched up his face in confusion, "Right... Um, I'm sorry," He has no clue where that was, having never heard of Samoa before, "Where?"

"Samoa." Amelia said one again, this time looking up at him and seeing the blank expression on his face. She sighed, "It's in the middle of New Zealand and Hawaii, in the Polynesian region of the Pacific Ocean."

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