transplant wasteland

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Gisele saw Jackson standing on the other side of the glass wall of the burn unit, she balanced the box of donuts in one hand and used the other to gently knock, catching his attention she motioned for him to come out.

"Patient in 310 is stable, The in 316 was complaining of pain so I gave her something for that. I also got he donuts," she help up the pink box, "And if we don't leave now we're gonna be really late." She told him as they walked down the hall.

He nodded, "Okay, so when we get in there you're not an intern and they aren't your attendings. Don't let them bully you into any decisions, especially Derek."

"I know," she said as they came to a stop in front of the conference room door, "This is going to suck."

No one had noticed when she opened the door or when they stood in the doorway.

"...not going to let some teenybopper intern boss me around." Cristina said.

Jackson cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, guys. We were running on time, and then my last rounds' patient turned into a crier." He put the folder down on the table before taking a seat at the head of the table.

Gisele took a seat on his right and set the donuts down before opening the box. They were met with silence and stares.

"Uh, we were discussing the reopening of the E.R and the trauma department." Meredith said.

Jackson and Gisele gave each other a knowing look, "We're not ready for that just yet." Gisele said.

"If you need more time with the material, we can go ahead..." Derek started but was interrupted by Jackson.

"No, no, We've-We've read it. Uh, it's just that the foundation feels like the E.R.

is not a forgone conclusion. They need a site visit, a chance to look over the numbers."

"It could be a month before a decision." Gisele added.

Arizona laughed sarcastically, "Okay. The foundation knows we plan on getting our level-I trauma designation back, right?"

Gisele nodded, "Yes, they know the idea"

"Uh, it's the fact." Callie corrected.

"I think we should table this until we can bring in Owen. Uh, he'll have a lot of thoughts on this, too." Cristina spoke.

Jackson nudged Gisele, she shot him a worried glance before continuing, "About that, there's a thing."

Derek looked at her unimpressed, "What thing?"

Jackson took a deep breath, "Okay. Since we are starting fresh, the thought is that new leadership would be good for morale."

"What, like, uh, chief of surgery?" Cristina sarcastically said.

Callie shook her head, "Oh, no way."

"Firing Owen?" Meredith wondered.

"Okay, we're not firing Owen." Cristina stated.

"Okay, well, the foundation thinks that..."

Callie abruptly cut jackson off, "Your mother."

He narrows his eyes, "The Harper Avery foundation..."

He was cut off again, "Your mother, Avery. Just say it."

Gisele let out a kind breath, "It's a recommendation."

"It's an inappropriate one." Cristina said.

"Oh, tell your mom that." Callie said to Jackson.

"This is bull." Callie said.

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