Chapter 936 Battle at the Selnes Country: Contract

Start from the beginning

Gilaine nodded, her expression filled with concern.

With a resounding boom, Souta propelled himself forward at high speed.


Chaos ensued. Fierce battles erupted over the mythical-grade fruit. Black Blader and Adel engaged aggressively in mid-air, causing the entire area to tremble.

Spatial Whisperer sped past the battling pair, aiming for the Botano Clan. The two fighters ceased their battle to pursue him. In that moment, Shen Yao moved, blocking Spatial Whisperer's path.


"You again?!" Spatial Whisperer gritted his teeth upon seeing Shen Yao blocking his path.

"Yeah, and you will have to stop now," Shen Yao declared before thrusting her palm forward.

[Divine Desolation Palm]!!

A colossal golden energy palm materialized in the air, carrying an enormous force that obliterated everything in its path.

Black Blader and Adel, who were chasing Spatial Whisperer, abruptly stopped and veered sideways to avoid being ensnared by the golden palm. Meanwhile, Spatial Whisperer, being closer to the palm, had no choice but to confront it head-on.



Here's a refined version:

In the depths of the unknown...

Erkigal, Vashno, Franklin, and Eztein found themselves in a gloomy and foreboding place. The surroundings were veiled in a dark, viscous liquid that emanated an ominous vibe, affecting the minds of those less resilient.

"Where exactly are we? This place gives me an unsettling feeling..." Eztein observed cautiously, surveying their surroundings.

"From the hints we have, the legacy should be nearby. Frankly, I'm as unfamiliar with this place as you are. I'm simply following the remnants of guidance left by our deity," Erkigal responded.

"Do you have any knowledge about that liquid? It seems to hold an energy, not mana. It's unsettling my mind," Eztein asked with a furrowed brow.

"It's a curse, as per the texts left by our deity. It possesses the capability to harm and influence any living being, so it's imperative we avoid contact with it," Erkigal cautioned. Her attention then shifted to her stone monument. "And this..."

"What's the matter?" inquired Vashno.

"Paente, the Botano Clan Leader, is creating a mystical tree that seems to be extending into different dimensions. If its roots spread further, it might lead to discovery of this place. Fortunately, it seems to be more of a subconscious action rather than an active one. His current condition seems unable to fully control it," Erkigal explained.

The four pressed onward through the eerie environment, the dark liquid covering every inch, amplifying the unsettling ambience. As they moved deeper, inexplicable voices started to echo in their minds.

"H-Help me!!"

"It's a l-lie..."





"It's staring back!"

The voices spoke in various tongues, carrying emotions that forcefully penetrated their consciousness. They felt the sorrow, grief, hatred, and wrath conveyed by these cryptic voices.

"Remain resolute. This is the corruption our deity warned about. Don't succumb to these voices," Erkigal advised, trying to steel their resolve against the haunting whispers.

Soon, the group noticed a dot of light in the distance. Gradually, the light expanded until it enveloped them entirely.

Erkigal, Vashno, Franklin, and Eztein shut their eyes tightly as the radiant brilliance burst forth.


In an instant, the environment changed abruptly. They found themselves amid a land consumed by raging flames. The sky was a ghastly shade of crimson, rent with a colossal tear. Figures soared through the air, casting spells that detonated and raged, engulfing the landscape in explosions.

"What's this...?!" Eztein's voice trembled.

"A battlefield." Franklin's gaze sharpened.

The air was charged with potent energy, and the pervasive stench of blood clung heavily. The turmoil was unmistakably a battlefield.

"Though it's only a vision, the intensity of this battle lingers, as if it happened not so long ago," Erkigal murmured, surveying the surroundings.

Countless combatants clashed across the expanse, their war cries merging with the thunderous detonations. From the colossal tear in the sky, the ominous dark liquid they encountered earlier dripped incessantly.

A man clad in resplendent golden armor floated in the air, his gaze fixed upon the rift. Adorning his head was an exquisite crown, and he wielded a razor-sharp, blue-hued sword. His locks of golden hair danced in the wind, a stark contrast against the tempestuous backdrop.

His presence exuded an unmistakable pressure, an aura befitting a deity.

Beside him stood a figure entirely swathed in crimson.

Despite the absence of a mouth, a voice emanated from the red figure, "Vexus, Divine Venerable of Wisdom, you've come to realize the magnitude of your actions, haven't you?"

Vexus cast a glance at the red figure before returning his gaze to the immense rift. "I'm aware... I didn't anticipate it would crack open even slightly. The impurity and power emanating from it are eroding my mind and body. My endurance won't last much longer."

The red figure seemed to direct its attention towards the colossal rift and remarked, "Indeed, it's a forbidden domain. I sense its awareness. Its influence is even reaching my real body. I shall depart. The Administrators will soon arrive to rectify this anomaly. If any of your people remain alive, the Administrators will eradicate them, for they have made contact with the forbidden."

"I understand..." Vexus nodded somberly.

The red figure dissipated into nothingness, leaving Vexus alone before the immense breach.

"Our pact is null, Superbia. By the time your real body awakens, I'll likely have perished. There's no need to fulfill the agreement," Vexus's voice resonated across the winds. The sword in his grip radiated a brilliant light.


A blinding glare engulfed them, and the scene vanished.

Erkigal, Vashno, Franklin, and Eztein remained gazing at the sky.

"That was a god...?" Vashno recalled the deity's demeanor from the vision.

"That was Vexus, the Divine Venerable of Wisdom, the founder of the Hall of Power," Erkigal explained.

"And the other being... He addressed him as Superbia. Does that mean?" Eztein squinted in contemplation.

"Yes, your assumption is likely correct," Erkigal affirmed with a nod.

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