Chapter 920 Battle at the Selnes Country: Destruction

Start from the beginning

Hono didn't speak, but her expression grew somber.

"There are numerous versions, but these were the words left behind by our god. We can't verify their authenticity, but given that they originated from our god, belief is our only option. I lack the exact details, but Schine likely knows more than I do; he was present during the calamity. Also, keep this information confidential. I share it with you because you are the Clan Leader. Disclosing this to others could invite calamity upon you. You would be swallowed by darkness. The curse of Clan Leader knowledge is, at times, poisonous, even if our understanding of it is incomplete," Erkigal cautioned with a serious expression.

"Our bloodline bears a curse... Action is necessary. If you believe that Deadly Sins is the sole organization present, you're mistaken. Beyond the large factions, other organizations lurk in the shadows, observing the unfolding battle. They will act soon. That's why we must unleash it."


In the center of the nation, the battle came to an abrupt halt due to the sudden gravitational force, but it quickly resumed. The mages found themselves at a disadvantage as all their spells were disabled, forcing the confrontation into close combat.

A growing number of experts gathered around the device containing the Canceling Rune. The gravitational force pushed them closer to the device, albeit briefly, thanks to Anti Mage's intervention, which aided the warriors in pushing forward.

Alice clenched her teeth, engaging in a fierce battle with her opponent. Warriors from other factions fought with equal determination, fully aware that it was a fight to the death. They had steeled themselves for the possibility of perishing in the midst of this battle.

Amid the chaotic sounds of battle...

Boom! Boom!

'It's so noisy... Who is that? I'm exhausted,'

Marcus lay on the ground, his body covered in wounds, still feeling the vibrations in the air.

'This vibration... My comrades are still fighting...'

Marcus was utterly drained, pushed to his limits. The expert who had attacked him earlier had been far superior, rendering him unconscious with a single, devastating blow.

'Are you going to stay here?'

In his mind, Marcus heard a voice he knew well, his lover Drami's beautiful voice. He imagined her standing before him, caressing his cheeks.


With great effort, Marcus opened his eyes, finding himself in an unfamiliar place. He struggled to recall that he had been blown away before losing consciousness.

"What happened? Why am I here?"

Unaware that the gravitational force had moved his unconscious body, Marcus slowly turned his head, and his eyes widened in surprise.

More than fifty meters away from him, Marcus spotted Drami leaning against a rock. Her body was drenched in blood, and her left arm, along with her right leg, had been severed. Blood continued to flow from her grievous wounds.


Tears welled in Marcus's eyes as he let out a roar that echoed through the battlefield. He slammed his fist onto the ground and forced himself to stand.

Alice and the other experts momentarily halted their battle. They watched in awe as Marcus pushed himself to his limits, his gaze fixed on the experts from Deadly Sins.

"Destroy it, Marcus!!" Alice's voice rang out.

"Break it!!" The other warriors joined in the chorus.

The expressions of the Deadly Sins experts shifted, and they turned to confront Marcus. However, the warriors from the larger factions intervened, resolutely holding them back, even at the risk of their own lives. They would not allow anyone to obstruct Marcus from destroying the device.


With a final, agonizing cry, Marcus channeled his last reserves of energy into his hand. He clenched his fist with unwavering determination and hurled it toward the device.


His fist struck the barrier encasing the device, and cracks radiated outward. Marcus clenched his teeth, pushing himself to his very limits.


The barrier shattered, and the device exploded. Marcus's fist disintegrated into a bloody mist that dispersed into the air.


Marcus gasped for breath as he collapsed to his knees. His blood dripped onto the ground as he reached the absolute limit of his strength. He gazed at the sky and slowly closed his eyes.


The entire device crumbled, sending shockwaves through the area.

The major factions and the Deadly Sins briefly halted their battle as they watched the device's collapse. The pillar of light connecting to the barrier gradually dissipated, and the barrier itself flickered as it reverted to its previous state.

A series of explosions rocked the area, completely obliterating the device and the Canceling Rune it held.

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Souta touched down on the ground, his gaze fixed on the sky.

"They did it..."

Souta muttered to himself, a determined look in his eyes. He placed his palm on the ground, channeling energy throughout his body.

"It's time to secure my survival in the upcoming events..."

He wasn't alone in his observation. The other top experts from across the nation also watched closely as changes unfolded within the All Filter Barrier Formation. They sensed that this was just the beginning of the battle.

The battle among their subordinates had nearly concluded, and it was now time for the all-out confrontation among the top experts from across the country. Two of them had already fallen, namely Boulder Jack and Clan Leader Schine.

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