Start from the beginning

"Mika Levine, name four things right now."

The line goes silent for a few seconds, I can just hear muffled heavy breathing before Mika's  voice returns.

"My boxers, The floor. The bed and my socks."

"Great. You're doing great sweetheart. I'm almost there. Now three things you can hear."

I honk loudly at the cunt who just cut me off, causing me to swerve before I turn sharply, speeding down the side road.

I'm almost there.

"Your car honk..."

"Good," I say encouragingly and Mika says back, "Your v-voice. And my heartbeat."

The last one shoots a pain to my chest but I nod anyways, proud she got through the count, "Now two things you can smell."

As I go under an overpass, the line breaks a bit and I panic, worrying that I'll be cut off as the feedback goes fuzzy.

"No, no no."

"The—" static "Don't—" static.

Beep beep beep.

"No, no!" I scream in frustration when I see the screen.

Call ended.

I slammed my hands on the wheel and scream, "FUCK SAKES!"

Turning the corner onto my street, I speed up and pull up to the parking lot. I got out of the car and ran into the building to our private elevator. Getting in I push the button to the floor as quickly as possible.

The elevator doors open and I ran up the stairs up to my room.

"Mika? Mika?!" I shout as I sprint up, skipping every other step.

My heart thumps in my ears. My breathing hard.

I slam my bedroom door open and instantly spot her curled up in a ball in the corner of my room.

Breathing out in relief, I walk over to her cautiously. "Hi baby."

Mika's eyes jump to me, wide and fearful.

She sniffles and whimper. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Her breathing is terrifying fast, her body is trembling all over, her short curly hair looking unkempt and disheveled. She's clearly panicking.

"It's okay. I just need you to breathe. Can you do that? Follow my lead Mika." I speak slowly and softly, trying to make sure I don't freak her out more than she already is.

She shakes her head wildly, crying that she can't but I just breathe slowly and loudly so she can copy me.

I nod while she look back up at me, eyes sad and scared like a kicked little puppy. It cracks my heart to see her like this but finally, she starts copying my breathing to the best she can while I get closer.

Once I reach her, I bend down and sit beside her, opening my arms which are instantly welcomed with her collapsing into me.

Without a second thought, I hug her tightly, running my fingers through her short curly hair, letting her get her breathing slowed as I continue with the technique.

After a few seconds, I begin to quietly hush their cries, whispering. "You're safe. You're okay. I'm right here baby."

Mika grips my arm tightly, like she's afraid if she let go, that I'll disappear.

She sniffles and finally reaches a safe breathing rate, swallowing thickly as her body continues to shake.

"You're safe." I hum and kiss the top of their head.

Mika nods in my arms weakly and mumbles. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be Mika. I'd rather you call me. I don't care how late it is. I care about you."

She nods again and continues to quietly whimper while trying to keep a steady breathing rhythm. This lasts for about twenty minutes just us sitting in the dark corner of my room, me rocking them back and forth, keeping a protective hold around her.

But then she speaks up.

"I got terrifying news yesterday."

I frown and look down with furrowed eyebrows. "What news Mika?"

Mika took a deep breath and release. "Nothing for you to worry about."

My blood instantly boils. The fact that she can't trust me to tell me what's going on with her. I know she's hiding something from me but I don't know what, and I know it got something to do with her health.

"Why can't you just tell me." I whispered and she just sniffles. "It's for the best, trust me Valentina."

I can feel her pulse racing throughout her entire body, including her skin being hot as a heater. I stood up and pulled her up with me.

"What are you doing?"

"We're going to take a cold bath together. You need to cool off and I know it will help."

"Kay." She muttered and followed me to my bathroom.


~ R

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