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I pulled into the parking garage at the building. I went into the building and once I got on my floor I went straight to my office closing the door softly behind me. Valentina was ignoring me for a week now. I didn't see a glimpse of her last week. I have to admit, I miss her, I miss her smile and her perfume when she would be close to me. I looked at my desk seeing three papers that she needs to sign. It was supposed to be signed by her last week but I was too much of a pussy to face her. I bit the inside of my cheek, thinking should I just knock and ask her to sign the damn papers and get over with it or just leave it.

I sighed and stood up from my chair and grabbed the damn papers and walked out of my office to hers. I stood in front of her office for a few seconds thinking of myself am I ready to do this. I took a deep breath and knocked and slowly opened the door.

I saw her looking through some papers on her desk. I walked further in and cleared my throat.

"What can I do for you Ms. Levine." Her tone cold towards me making my anxiety pick up.

"I just need you to sign these papers." She glared at me and took the papers from me. I watched as she sighed them and handed them back to me without looking at me. I sighed and looked at her.

"Look about New Zealand." This caused her to look at me. She had on her glasses which made her look so adorable.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what possessed me but-"

"Don't fucking speak of it." She said coldly as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms and glared daggers at me, making me shrink back.

"What?" I asked confused. She stood up and walked over to me, making me slightly panic.

"Whatever happened back in New Zealand. Don't . Ever. Speak of it." This hit a nerve in me. I don't get angry easily but this, this makes the anger in me begging to be released. I glared at her. And slowly backed away from her.

"Okay." Was all I said as I turned around and walked out of her office slamming her office door hard behind me causing Sienna to jump and looked at me with wide eyes, I ignored her stare and walked back to my office. If she says nothing happened then nothing happened.


It's been a month of Valentina ignoring me. And she's so spiteful she's drowning me with work. She would tell me to set up meetings only to cancel it later. And no she doesn't say this to me in person she fucking emails me this shit. It feels like she's disgusted of me. Not going to lie it hurts me.

I fucking miss her. I miss seeing her blue eyes, I miss seeing her smile her real one which you don't see often, I miss her intoxicating smell. Valentina is the only thing that's on my mind constantly.

I was laying on my bed it was a Wednesday night. I stared into the dark. I sighed and try to sleep but my brain won't turn off. I decided to read a book until I fall asleep.

After a hour or two my eye's slightly closed. I yawned and closed the book and turned my bedside light off and went to sleep.


"Where's Ms. Vitale?" I asked Sienna. She looked up at me giving me a small smile.

"I don't know." She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. It's been two days and she wasn't at work and she has important documents that's needed to be signed by her.

"You know what if Howard's going to be mad at me I'm telling him straight up to be mad at Ms. Vitale and not me since she has to be here to do her work." I said frustrated. Sienna looked at me amusingly. I glared at her and went back to my office and slammed the door closed behind me.

Valentina is supposed to be here today because there is important documents that needed to be signed and Howard handed this to me two days ago. If I knew where she lived I would drove to her house and let her sign them there.

But I'm not going to do that because I'm too much of a pussy.

I continue my work for the day very annoyed because the time seems to be running very slow and I hated it. I would rather be at home eating a bowl of ice cream and watch movies all day.


When I walked through my apartment door I saw Luca on the couch sleeping and snoring like a bear. I smiled a little and shook my head. He's been working hard lately so I couldn't really blame him for being tired. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I walked to the living room and turned the tv off and threw a blanket over him and went to my room.

Not really having an appetite, I took a quick shower and took my medicine and went to bed. Once my head connected with my soft pillow I sighed in satisfaction. Before I knew it I fell asleep.


~ R

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