𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐒 𝐈 𝐗

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I woke up with a killer headache, I groaned and shifted slightly.

I opened my eyes but closed it immediately again being blinded by the sun.

"Good morning drunky." Valentina said sarcastically. Opening my eyes seeing I'm laying on top of her. I groaned again, suddenly feeling nauseous. I stand up as quickly as possible and ran to the bathroom dropping in front of the toilet and emptying my stomach. Seconds later I'm feeling hands on my back soothing me as I continue to throw up. After I'm done I flush the toilet and leaned against the bathtub. Catching my breath.

"That will teach you to not drink like that again." Valentina said looking pissed. Glaring harshly at me. Great she's mad at me. She brushed her teeth and walked out after. I stand up and brushed my teeth getting the awful taste out of my mouth. After I'm done with that I went to the closet and put on some fresh clothes that were some black sweatpants and a white shirt. I feel like shit.

I walked downstairs to see Valentina already eating breakfast, her family nowhere in sight. I slowly walked to get a plate, getting a cup of coffee walking to the dining table, I pick some eggs and bacon, I'm not really hungry.

"You're not going to eat anything else?" Valentina questions.

"Not really that hungry." I said beginning to eat. After a few minutes of silence just us eating.

"So, what was yesterday about?" She questions. I sighed deeply.

"Can we just not talk about it and forget it ever happened please." I said putting my head in my hands.

"No Mika, you can't just fucking go out on a walk, but get fucking drunk at some bar!" She yelled at me, she's pissed. I know she's mad, she wants to know what's wrong with me and I'm not going to tell her about my heart condition that is a no no.

"Valentina just fucking leave it." I said raising my tone at her, I stood up from my seat and put my plate and cup in the sink.

Storming back upstairs I went to take a nap, this fucking headache won't go away and Valentina isn't helping with all the yelling and questions.

I lay down on the bed checking my phone for any new messages seeing a few from Luca I quickly replied back to him and locked my phone and got comfortable under covers trying to get rid of this headache.


I woke up from someone shaking me, opening my eyes I came face to face with Valentina.

"Get up, I left you long enough, everyone is in the movie room waiting for us, let's go." She said walking out of the room.

Sighing I get up and check the time.

Damn it's night already.

I walked in the closet grabbing my green hoodie, putting it on I walked downstairs to the movie room, seeing everyone already laying on the half couch bed thingys whatever you call it.

"Mika come on the movie is about to start!" James said excitedly. I chuckled at his excitement.

Laying down next to Valentina, I made myself comfortable under the blanket, I watched her move towards me and cuddled up into my side. Wrapping my arms around her I enjoyed the warmth she gave.

We watched the whole night movies and laughed together at some scenes. I loved every second of it, this is what I'm craving for, a loving family, to know you have loving parents and siblings that loves you and will do anything for you, not a abusing father.

I blinked the tears in my eyes away not wanting to cry right now infront of everyone.

Valentina looked down at me and gave me a genuine smile that you hardly ever see. I smiled back at her and kissed her cheek. She slid her hand under my hoodie and shirt, her warm hand rubbing my belly. I held her tighter in my arms and rub her back.

After calling it a night we all headed back to our rooms since tomorrow is our last day here in Hawaii, which is sad I enjoyed the time with the Vitale's plus I'm heavy stressed about my appointment at the doctors what he's going to say to me once I go and see him.

"Why do you look so stressed?" Valentina questions.

"I'm not stressed." I lied through my teeth. Smiling at her I climbed into bed.

"So what's going to happen between us once we go back home?" I ask her shyly.

"We go back to normal forget about  everything that happened between us, I don't have time for relationships in my life, this is in anyway forbidden Mika." She said sternly her voice suddenly cold.

"Y-yeah I agree." Smiling sadly I turned my back towards her I heard the bathroom door closed.

With everything in the beginning it was weird but now I don't know anymore. I caught feelings for her, her smile, the way her eyebrows furrowed when she is confused, her plump lips, her cute little nose, oh gosh her beautiful blue eyes everything about her is beautiful and perfect. Her goddess of a body that do things to me. But now that she said to forget everything just like that. It hurts to think about it. Then she's cute and cuddly and the next she's cold and bitchy I'll never understand women period.

Maybe it's for the best to forget everything happened and to forget all the feelings I'm feeling towards her, I'm out of her league anyway, I'm just a freak and she's a goddess she can have any one she wants but me? I'll always be a freak. And I'm going to die soon so it doesn't matter anymore.

With tears rolling down my cheeks, I fell asleep.



I don't know why I told Mika to forget about everything that happened. I can see the way she looks at me. I'm just not ready for a relationship right now, the last one destroyed me. I build my walls up so high that nobody can break through them but with Mika, she showed me she could break those walls in a matter of time.

Her plump lips, her beautiful eyes that reminds me of the ocean, her muscular body, her abs, her strong arms that wraps around my body that makes me feel safe from the world, fuck she's so cute when she's nervous and a stuttering mess. I love to tease her. But I have to end this when we go back home, I'll go back to the stone cold bitch and would simply go on with my life.

Sighing I finished up in the bathroom, went to the closet grabbing some clean pyjamas I put them on and made my way to bed already seeing Mika sleeping with her back towards me, I know I hurt her tonight that makes my heart ache. We always cuddle when we go to sleep but I guess tonight will not be the case, turning off my lamp, with a heavy heart, I let sleep overtake me.


~ R

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