Call Me Noona - 2

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You were sitting in the coffee shop working on an assignment from another class when your phone went off.

Jungkook: Hey - are you coming to class?

You frowned at your phone. 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬? You thought. You glanced at the clock, remembering which class your skipping. 𝘖𝘩! 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘺! You changed his name so you wouldn't forget again.

Me: No I can't make it

Communications: Did you want me to sign the paper for you?

Me: Yes please!

You set your phone down and went back to work. About an hour later you felt someone standing over you and you pulled your headphones off and looked up. There was the boy from that class. You blinked at him.

"Yes?" You asked. He sat down, sipping his fancy coffee and frowning, his cute, pink lips pouting around his straw.

"You said you couldn't make it to class. I thought you were sick or something," he mumbled.

"Yeah... what I meant was... I'm not going back to that class. It's a waste of time," you mumbled returning your gaze to your laptop.

"Oh. Well... the professor gave homework," he said, looking at you.

You groaned. "Ugh, why seriously," you complained as he opened his backpack and pulled out his notes. He took a picture of where he had written down the assignment and sent it to you.

"Here you go Gray," he said with a little smile.

"Gray noona," you replied absentmindedly as you opened your phone to check the picture you perked up a little bit at the familiar term.

"I can call you noona?" He asked cutely. You looked up from your phone at him, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little at his happy face.

"Hm? Oh yeah. You're my comm class buddy, of course you can," you said. He grinned back.

"Okay! Well um... I'll see you later noona!"


You were lying on your bed at home, tuning out the sound of your roommate slamming doors by cranking up the volume on your headphones. You had just finished up the assignment for your Communications class and you sighed, thinking you had better go to class and hand it in the next day. Unless...

Me: hey

Comm: hey noona!

Me: Can we meet up before class tomorrow?

Comm: oh yeah, sure!

You were so tired and your roommate was really stressing you out. You really hated this apartment, but it had been the only thing available when you moved to town. You sighed and went to bed.


You sat at the cafe sipping your coffee and staring at your laptop, feeling stressed about your course load and your living arrangements. You had no way to get your stresses out these days, considering you knew no one in this town and that your favorite stress relief activities were best done... with others.

Your eyes slid to the door when Communications boy came into the shop, accompanied by another boy today, He was a bit taller than Jk, and something about his caramel skin, sharp silvery undercut and long legs screamed daddy. The smiley brunette boy made you feel dominant, but his handsome friend made you feel small and as the two of them approached you you shook your head against the warring sides of your seat, trying not to get overwhelmed.

They were talking as they came in and Jk seemed to look up at his friend with awe, hanging on every word out of the man's mouth. Jungkook said something that made the other laugh, and it took up his whole face, his huge smile making his eyes scrunch and dimples appear in his round cheeks. It was nice to look at, and it seemed contagious as Jk smiled as well. He gave you a little wave and his friend glanced at you curiously before they got drinks. Once they both had coffee - Jk with his usual fancy one and his friend with a plain cup, they came to your table.

"Hi noona! Why did you want to meet?" Jungkook asked cheerily, sitting down next to you. His friend took the seat across from you and you couldn't help but glance at him again only to find his dark eyes on you as well. Something about the man's cutting gaze made you shy and you looked away quickly, dragging in your backpack to avoid looking at him.

"I... wanted to give you this," you said pulling out your assignment and handing it to Jungkook.

He looked at it for a second and then understood. "Oh, you want me to hand it in for you?" He seemed like he wasn't thrilled about the idea, so you turned your full attention to him, slipping your hand casually onto the table and placing your fingers lightly over his. He looked up at you in surprise at the touch, and blinked your eyes at him quickly.

"Please?" You asked him sweetly, letting your lips pout into a tiny frown as you did so. He swallowed and looked away.

"Ye-ah - sure," he murmured, a tiny blush on his soft cheeks as he took the assignment from you and tucked it into his notebook. Your eyes glanced to his friend again and you caught him smirking and looking slightly impressed at your actions as you slowly retracted your hand from Jungkook's, trying to keep yourself from blushing under his gaze.

"Thank you," you said, smiling.

"Of course noona."


After class, you were still at the cafe, scrolling through your phone and ignoring the paper you were attempting to write. Jungkook shuffled back into the shop, looking annoyed.

"Hey," you greeted him, setting your phone down. "What's up?"

"The professor assigned 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 work today. And I don't think I did the first one right anyway. I'm not getting this class," he mumbled, pouting.

"Let me see." He passed you the notes and you pursed your lips. "I guess I could help. I remember this from last semester."

He perked up. "Really?? Do you want to come over and go over it with me this evening?"

He was cute. You smiled to yourself. "Yeah, sure bub," you said.

He blinked at the affectionate name and then looked down shyly. He suddenly seemed to remember something. "Oh yeah - um. I have six roommates so. Sometimes my house is a little loud," he told you, cringing.

"Well I live in a tiny apartment on campus and my roommate is literally crazy. So whatever you got can't be that bad." You looked at him for a moment, remembering how flustered his friend had made you earlier. "Hey that guy from this afternoon..."

"Oh, Namjoon hyung? He's one of my roommates! He said you were cute when we left," he said wiggling his eyebrows at you. You felt yourself blush immediately and Jungkook burst into giggles at the sight. Then he frowned. "𝘐 think you're cute too," he pouted.

You scoffed, your blush immediately fading. "You don't get to call me cute, you're the cute one," you told at him, winking. Now it was his turn to blush.

"N-noona thinks I'm cute?" He asked, his eyes wide.

𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦, you thought. "Whatever. Text me your address."


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