Gray - 1

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It was your fourth year of college and you just transferred schools after a little incident with a professor last year made you want to leave that school for a new one. It was like a fresh start - except you still had to go to class. You were angrily storming toward your first class of the day - you had already taken this course last semester at the other school, but the damn credits didn't transfer so you had to retake it - huge waste of time.

You sat down in the closest desk and tossed your bag onto the top, leaning back against the chair and crossing your arms in annoyance. You felt eyes on you so you glanced over and caught a boy looking at you curiously. You would have snapped at him for staring, but he was actually pretty hot - his messy brown hair fell over his forehead and his round, young looking cheeks and big doe eyes contrasted nicely with the sharp cut of his jaw and his muscular, veiny forearms and large hands. You slid your eyes over him to the top to bottom, letting them linger on the way his shirt stretched across his built chest. You looked back up at his face to meet his gaze and his eyes widened briefly before he looked away quickly, a little blush creeping onto his cheeks. You turned to front wordlessly, looking away from him with a little smirk on your face.

You had only showed up to this class on the first day to see if there was an attendance policy - you were hoping there wouldn't be, so you could skip it and just show up for quizzes the rest of the semester. The professor walked in and greeted everyone and... pulled out a sign in sheet. Fuck. You rolled your eyes and sighed, waiting for the page to come to you and writing your name on it.

When the class was over you grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and heading for the door. You didn't have another class for an hour, so you planned to get coffee. You felt like someone was following you as you headed down the sidewalk and you threw a glance over your shoulder to see that same guy from class a few steps behind you. His big eyes widened when you looked at him and he looked away from you, but you narrowed your eyes and stopped walking, waiting for him to catch up.

He looked like he was panicking, not sure if he should stop or pass you. "You following me?" You asked, tilting your head.

"No! I just... wanted to go get coffee before my next class," he said quickly.

You hesitated a moment, suddenly feeling silly for being on the offensive. "Oh. I was going to get coffee too... I'm kinda new to town and I get anxious in unfamiliar places - we could have coffee together?" You offered. He blinked in surprise.

"Oh! Yeah okay!" The two of you began walking again, next to each other this time, and headed toward the coffee shop. You each bought your own drink and then you sat down together at a small table. You couldn't help but judge him a little for getting a fancy blended sweet coffee drink, while you had a black iced americano.

"So are you a communications major too?" He asked, sipping his drink.

"No, I'm taking this class as an elective. I'm kind of annoyed actually - I already took it but the credits didn't transfer. I mean it will be easy now, but it's annoying," you complained.

"Oh - that sucks," he replied, frowning. You shrugged.

"It's whatever. You know what would make it better though?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He asked, sipping from his straw and blinking at you innocently.

"If you would write my name on the sign in sheet for me if I'm ever not there," you replied sweetly.

"We're not supposed to do that though..."

You pouted looking at him through your lashes and slipping a hand up to toy with the neckline of your shirt. "Oh... I guess you're right. Thanks anyway."

"I mean-" he said quickly. "It's just that I would have to know what your name was first before I could write it."

You smirked, then you pulled out a small piece of paper and write down your full name, jotting your phone number under it. Then you stood up and handed it to him. He read your name and then looked up at you when he noticed your number. You smirked at him. He tilted his head as he read it again.

"Your name is-"

"DON'T call me that," you cut, pointing at the paper. "I go by Gray."

"Okay! Gray." He said quickly, his cheeks going pink. You had to stop yourself from licking your lips as you looked down at him. Yes, he looked so yummy now - but you needed him and if you used him for a one night stand today you'd have to find someone else to write your name on the sign in sheet so you could skip, and it would be a hassle to find someone else as easy as he was. You tore your eyes away from him somewhat begrudgingly.

"Text me your name," you said as you turned away, flashing a smile over your shoulder as you left the shop. He watched you go with his lips parted slightly in shock and then quickly pulled out his phone, typing your number in and shooting you a text right away.

Unknown: Hi!

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Oh, sorry I was supposed to text you my name. It's Jungkook!

Me: cool

You saved his number and then stowed your phone, not really caring if he said something else after that at the moment. You shoved your hands in your pockets and headed toward your next class.

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