Onslaught: Yes that me.

Winter: Well Onslaught. Your skills and how you command your team is quite interesting.

Onslaught: Thank you ma'am.

Winter: I have business with the General and your Headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?

Weiss: Really?

Winter: Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards.

Weiss: Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter: Bunk beds?

Ruby: I'll catch up- I mean, I will... reconvene with you both... at a later... juncture! At a juncture. Yeah.

(The camera cuts to Weiss, Winter and the androids walking towards the courtyard, before shifting to first-person view, where a certain someone dizzily sneaks up behind the AK-200s and promptly decapitates one, before kicking its head towards the group)

Qrow: Hey! Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen!

Onslaught: This should be good. (Comms guys you might what to get where I am fast their a fight that about to break out)

(tosses the decapitated machine aside. As one of her automated soldiers advances, rifle raised)

Winter: Halt!

Weiss: (angrily walks up to the offender's face) Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?

Qrow: (places hand on Weiss' face) Sssshhh. Not you.

(pushes her out of his way as he moves forward)

Weiss: Hey!

Qrow: You. Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too.

Winter: I'm standing right before you.

Qrow: (squints through his hazy state of mind) So it would seem.

Winter: You realize you just destroyed Atlas Military property.

Qrow: (sarcastically apologizes as he looks at his surroundings) Oh, oh I'm sorry. See, I mistook this for some sort of... sentient garbage.

Winter: (walks over to face Qrow) I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow.

Weiss: Wait, you two know each other?

(Just then brawl, swindle, vortex and blastoff joined Onslaught as they do one of them see winter and try's to hide more into the crowd)

Qrow: Geez, you Atlas Specialists think you're so special, don't you?

Winter: It's in the title.

Qrow: Well, you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts. Just like your boss.

Winter: I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough.

Qrow: Oh I heard, too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin.

Weiss: Ozpin?

Winter: (shoves Weiss aside) Weiss, it's time for you to go.

Weiss: What—

Qrow: Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is going to protect all of us, huh?

Brawl: Oh this is going to be good.

Winter: If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you! (draws her sword)

Qrow: Alright then... (slicks back hair) Come take it.

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