Chapter 93

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2 weeks before...

It was the next day. I was out and about exploring the woods.

I was alone.

Suddenly I felt a chill like someone or something was watching me.

I looked around and saw nothing but I still felt eyes on me.

It was sinister.

Everything in me went on alert.

Precious one, what's going on? Are you fine?

Something is here. Can you feel it?

I can feel it through our connection. Get out of there. I'll alert our warriors

I could feel the urgency in his voice.

I turned around and started running.

Something was chasing me but I couldn't see it or didn't dare to look back.

I was almost at the clearing when I felt some invisible power dragging me back.

It wrapped around my neck like a vice.

I screamed falling. It dragged it me on along the ground. I tried to resist and fight but I couldn't.


Help is on the way precious one. Make sure to fight it, whatever it is. I'm on my way

I could feel his fear and ruthless anger.

I resisted with all my might but it was difficult when you didn't see whatever it was.

As I was fighting, the power let go of me. There was silence. I scrambled up on my feet and looking around.

Tears were streaming down my face.

I saw five shadows coming down from the sky.

Fear like I've never felt before went through me.

The five shadows landed on the ground.

Oh my gosh!

Red-eyed monsters...

They had found me!

Before I could react, one of them had appeared right in front of me, like lightning, grabbing me by the neck.

This speed!

My heart literally froze and went cold as I stared right into its eyes.

Don't look in their eyes

A voice warned me.

I clawed the arm the arm that was squeezing me to death but I was nothing compared to its strength.

I felt the air and power leaving me.

Was I going to die like this?

malen'kiy chelovek

A voice that sounded like it was nowhere but everywhere called to me.

This voice.... It was familiar.

malen'kiy chelovek


Use your powers child or you'll die before your mate gets to you

What powers?


She scolded.

Your powers are within you child. Focus, reach deep and call them to use

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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