Chapter 56

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I'm going to eat breakfast with everyone

Really? Everyone is going to be happy

When were you planning to tell me that the pack has meals together?

Didn't want to overwhelm you my mate. I know how you hate crowds and attention

You know me too well. But this is different. This is my pack now. These are my people and I'm their Luna

He growled.

Precious one

I know I'm not beautiful and strong as the other were-females but I will do my best to be worthy of being your mate

He growled unhappily.

Don't say shit like that to me. You're perfect. You're everything. I give thanks to the Goddess every waking moment for gifting me with you

I blinked back tears.

I'm sorry. I just feel like you deserve better

Enough. You were made for me and I for you. There's no me without you and you without me. We're fated baby. So no more of this talk

When are you coming back?


How's the meeting going?

It's boring. Too much politics

I miss you

Miss you more mate

Okay I've gotta go. We're almost at the dining hall

Okay baby

The second we entered the dining hall, everyone went completely still with their shocked eyes on me. With how silent it was, you could probably hear a pin drop. Oh-Oh. I swallowed. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea coming here after all. Maybe it was too soon. I was thinking maybe I should go back home when everyone stood up and bowed in greeting with their fist on their chests. Then I was ushered to seat and a plate was put in front of me. I looked down at the plate and then at everyone. They were still standing and looking at me. Yeesh.
Me: "S-Sit down...please." The looked amongst each other unsure. "Please." They sat down but nobody made a move to eat. I bit my lip. What to do? What do? Did I ruin everyone's mood by coming here?

Tina: "They're waiting for you to eat first My Queen." She whispered to me. I looked at her and she nodded to my plate. Oh. Okay. I gotta say the breakfast looked and smelled delicious. There was bacon, sausages, eggs...the whole works. I tasted the eggs first and I couldn't help but to moan at how creamy and soft they were. Realizing what I just done, I closed my eyes in mortification and looked up...everyone's eyes were on me. I blushed and smiled and then something amazing happened, everyone broke out in laughter and I also joined in and that was that. Everyone started to talk all at once as we ate.

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