Chapter 76

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"Don't overestimate yourself dog. You might have killed 20 of our brothers and sisters earlier on but there are more of us now and we're stronger." Said one of them. Zukile laughed. It was one of those laughs that made the hairs on your back stand up.

Zukile: "I guess we'll see if I overestimate myself in a second, won't we?" He said stepping forward. "Mom and Dad give me a head start. Let me kill as many of them before you step in."

Zuko: "You got it."

Zukile: "Tina, take care of your Luna until I come back." Then he was off running.

He jumped and changed form in mid air and let me tell you, it was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen in my life. His first victim was the leader. He ripped into him with his teeth and threw him aside like was garbage.

Damn, I've never!

As they came to him, he never once faulted. No, he was brutal and unforgiving in his attacks. He snapped their bones, ripped them and tore their limbs. Even though the vampires had speed, they had nothing on him. As I watched him in action, I was in astonishment and filled with proud that he was my mate.

Not long after, Zukile's parents changed form and they joined in the fight.

I don't know how it happened, but one of the vampires managed to break out and headed straight for me. My eyes widened as my body froze. The vampire didn't make it to me though because suddenly she was up in the air. Her neck snapped and her body hit against the tree landing smack on the ground dead. And all of this was done none-either than Tina. Yes, my Tina. She didn't even touch her or change form. No. She just raised her hand and the vampire went flying. I looked at her with my mouth hanging open, shocked as to what just happened. I mean, what the...! What kind of ability was that?! Zukile never told me about it, whereby someone could kill and send their opponent flying by just a lift of their hand.

Me: "Tina..."

Tina: "My Queen." She bowed.

Me: "W-What w-was that?"

Tina: "That was Tina protecting you My Queen." She was trying to be smart with me. This little...

Me: "You know that's not what I mean." I said giving her arm a poke.

Tina: "My Queen might not have known but my mother is from a longline of witches."

Me: "Really?"

Tina: "Yes My Queen. So Tina learned a few small tricks." I chuckled a little.

Me: "What you did was not a small trick. It was awesome. You were awesome." She smiled a small smile.

Tina: "Thank you My Queen for the praise. Tina just feels glad and honored that she could protect you." She was cute. Maybe some of you would think that it was strange that I could have a conversation with Tina amidst all of what was happening but for some reason I was calm and wasn't scared. Yes I had been taken by surprise when the vampire had headed straight for me but that was only it. I don't know but it's like I knew that none of us would get hurt or die today. Crazy? I know.

I noticed that there was silence. I turned forward. The fighting was over. So many dead bodies! Some parts of the snow were covered in blood. You would think that I would be grossed out but I wasn't. Zukile and his parents changed back to their human form.

Zukile: "Are you okay precious one?" He asked as soon as he reached me holding my face up to him. I nodded. He placed a kiss on my forehead and ruffled my hair affectionately. "Let's get out of here before you catch a cold."

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