Chapter 49

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During the car ride to school, Zukile kept cracking up. He was the worst.

Me: "Can you stop now."

Zukile: "But it's so much fun."

Me: "For you but not for me."

Zukile: "And that's what makes it even more fun."

Me: "You're so annoying." He laughed. "Stop it." I said hitting his arm.

Zukile: "Okay I'll stop."

He didn't.


Me: "But let's be serious Zuki. What am I going to do with her?"

Zukile: "Just let her do her job baby."

Me: "But I don't want her to be a servant."

He just took my hand in his and rubbed his thumb gently on my palm.

I sighed.

I guess I should do as the handsome man advised. To just let Tina do her job.

Something woke me up. It was the middle of the night. I don't know but I had a bad feeling. I couldn't explain it but something was telling me that something was wrong. My body had the chills. I shook Zukile lightly next to me. He woke up with a start.

Zukile: "What's wrong precious one?"

Me: "I don't know but something doesn't feel right."

Zukile: "Like what?"

Me: "I don't know. I know I might sound crazy but something is just not right."

Zukile: "Okay baby calm down-"

Me: "I can't calm down! I feel it Zuki. Something bad is about to happen. Please I'm not crazy." I said a little panicked.

Zukile: "Okay okay baby, I know you're not crazy. Calm down and let me go check it out."

He got out of bed and wore his pants in abnormal speed.

Me: "Zuki-."

Zukile: "Don't worry, everything will be fine my mate. I'll be right back." He brushed my face and then he was gone.

I sat there holding my chest. Lord. I wonder what was it? It was weird because the feeling kept on getting worse and worse. I stood up and paced the floor in front of the window. My chest felt tight like something was clutching it. It was even hard breathing. What was this? I heard howling. Oh my god! Was something really going on. I tried to mindlink with Zuki but I just wasn't getting through. As I was about to go crazy, the chills and tightness started to go away.

Zuki? Are you okay?

I'm okay my mate. I found the problem

Really? What was it?


He was pissed.


Are you really fine? Is everyone fine?

Yes baby. Because of you we found them in time

B-Because of me?

Yes. Your bad feeling



I don't know how they got in our perimeter without me or the guards on duty noticing. But because of you my mate, we got them before they could hurt anyone this another...?

Yes, I think this is another ability




We'll talk soon baby. I have to deal with this

Okay. Be safe


I had another new ability.


My WolfManOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora