Chapter 72

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I can't believe I was an actual Seer. A Seer! Not long ago I was an ordinary human but now I was a human with super powers who had supernatural beings as enemies, and who also had a mate. What a 360 degree turn my life took. To tell you the truth, I was scared and also excited. I knew it would be dangerous but I had my mate and I trusted my mate to protect me, and I also trusted myself and the wolf inside me to protect me. Maybe it didn't make a lot of sense but yeah I was fine with all of this.

I brushed the handsome man's chest and he sighed.

Zukile: "So she's a Seer and we already know that people are going to want her head on a stick for it but maybe if we could share the prophecy with everyone, then we could turn everything around. They would know her purpose of being a Seer."

Aunt Agnes: "It could work but they could think the whole prophecy thing is a farce."

Zuko: "Yeah I agree with Agnes. Remember prophecies are also not welcomed  in our world."

Zukile: "I know but maybe if we can prove that the prophecy is real somehow...that the world is in danger of these Red-Eyed monsters then people could start believing and help us with this war."

Tami: "Yeah I hear you but how do we prove that the prophecy is real?"

Aunt Agnes: "The human's powers."

Zuko: "You mean we show them Zenande's abilities?" Aunt Agnes nodded. Everyone went quiet after that. "What do you say son?"

Zukile: "I agree with Agnes but I'm hesitating because if we decide to take that root then there won't be any turning back." Everyone agreed. "I'm just also worried that even if we prove that the prophecy is real, some won't be able to accept her still. You guys know how our world hates someone who's more powerful than normal. It would just put a big target on her back."

Aunt Agnes: "She already has a target on her back."

Zukile: "I know but it's just vampires for now. But if we open the can, she will be on the spotlight and almost everyone will start to come for her." Zukile's mother sighed.

Tami: "I guess this is where the Friends and Foes in the prophecy comes in. I think it was meant to go this way because however you look at it, we need to make people aware of the prophecy so that we can get some allies to fight this war with us. I mean, this is not only on just us, it's on everyone."

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