Chapter 74

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Aunt Agnes: "Now come with me human." She said to me as she got to her feet.

"I need to put a cloaking spell on you so that those stinky bloodsuckers don't have a way of locating you after you leave here."


I got up and followed her to the back room. There were candles lit everywhere and witchy stuff all over the place. God.

"Kneel over there." She pointed to a pillow that was at the middle with her rod. I went to do as told and then she got busy.

She poured things in a bowl mixing and chanting. She came to me.

"Hold out your hand."

I did and before I could think, she pricked my finger with a needle.

Me: "Aww." I said sucking my finger.

She smiled wickedly.

Aunt Agnes: "Need your blood." She said walking away. She got busy again.

I saw her prick her finger and adding her blood to the bowl also. She chanted over it and my eyes widened when I saw whatever it was changing into a purplish and reddish color in a puffy smoke right before my very eyes. Holly Molly! Witch magic was freaking real.

"Drink." She said handing over the bowl to me. I took it with shaky hands. I looked from her to the bowl and licked my lips. I was hesitating because it looked like it tasted nasty.

"Drink malen'kiy chelovek. It won't kill you."

I closed my eyes and drank the potion. Yeah, it was nasty alright. I gagged and made a face. Aunt Agnes cackled. She took the bowl from me and went back to the table. She looked through her draw and grabbed something. It looked like a necklace with a small pendant hanging from it. She chanted something to it for like 5 minutes.

"Take." She said handing it to me. I frowned but took it. It looked old.

"Wear it. It has a cloaking spell."

I frowned even more confused now. If this pendant had the cloaking spell then what did I just drink a few minutes ago? What was that for?

She cackled loudly and coughed.

Aunt Agnes: "I see you're wondering about the potion I gave you to drink earlier." I nodded. "It's a secret." She winked.

What? What does she mean it's a secret? She wouldn't kill me would she? I shook my head and put on the necklace. Once I did, something settled inside me. I don't know how to explain it but it was like something just clicked into place. It was weird but I could also feel the power of the necklace. It was like a hummmm. Yeah, weird.

"Okay we're done malen'kiy chelovek. Let's go back."

I wonder what malen'kiy chelovek meant. It sounded Russian. I was going to have to ask the handsome man later.


malen'kiy chelovek - little human

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