Chapter 5

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I was in the backyard doing as I was told, burning the clothes that apparently smelled like a dog. I know I know, I was a weakling. But what else could I do? It's not like I could stand up for myself against them especially my sister. Out of everyone, she was the meanest and the most terrifying. I remember when I was 6 years, she killed a rabbit and drank it's blood. Kid you not. I had nightmares about that fateful day for years after that. And what made it worse was when I told our parents, they laughed at me and told me to stop making up stories. They hadn't believed me. My sister told me if I ever told on her again, she'll do to me like what she did to the rabbit. That's why she terrifies me the most.

As I walked back inside the house, I swear I heard howling of some sorts coming from the forest. Was it me or was the world getting stranger ever since I met the handsome man?

I was dreaming again. It was the same garden. Arms went around me from the back. Even before he said anything, I knew it was him. His touch...his warmth...his smell told me so. My handsome man.
Him: "Precious one." He rubbed his nose against my neck and growled in displeasure... "you washed me off you."
Me: "Huh?"
Him: "I like you smelling like me but right now you don't." He told me... "what happened? When you left for school this morning my smell was all over you."
Me: "I took a shower before going to bed." He released another displeased growl. I couldn't help but to release a surprised moan filled with arousal when he suddenly bit my shoulder slightly swiping the bite with his tongue.
Him: "That should do for now." He said pleased.
Me: "Did you just bite me?"
Him: "I marked you."
Me: "Marked me?"
Him: "Yes."
Me: "You're weird." He smiled against my ear. Don't ask me how I knew. I just did. It was liked I was in tuned with him. Even now it felt like our hearts were beating at the same pace and rhythm.
Him: "Until I make you mine in every way possible I need to ease my..." He trailed off.
Me: "Ease your what?"
Him: "The animal inside me." I snorted.
Me: "Wow. Okay."
Him: "I see you still don't believe that this is real."
Me: "Of course I don't. It would be crazy if I did."
Him: "My precious one, you need to start believing what I say."
Me: "Okay then, let me ask you this."
Him: "Yeah?"
Me: "Last night in the dream you said you'll find me at school today but you didn't. If this is real then why didn't you?" He groaned miserably squeezing me to him.
Him: "I'm so sorry about that my precious one. I planned to but something came up that needn't my full attention."
Me: "Mmmm...must've been important."
Him: "Don't say that. Nothing is more important than you. Ever."
Me: "Whatever you say."
Him: "You have every right to be angry with me." He said turning me to face him. Damn. I can never get used to how handsome he was... "okay? Be angry with me. I broke my promise."
Me: "I'm not angry with you."
Him: "Well you should. Don't let me off easily. I don't deserve it." I smiled. His eyes fell to my lips and they glowed intensely. He blinked and cleared his throat... "err...I told my parents and pack...err I mean friends about you and they want to meet you."
Me: "Okay." His eyes narrowed suspiciously on me.
Him: "Why do I feel like you agreed rather too quickly. I was expecting you to fight me on this." I laughed.
Me: "Because this is a dream silly. I know I won't really be meeting your parents and friends." He sighed shaking his head at me.
Him: "Remember, later you can't change your mind. You already agreed to meet them."
Me: "I won't change my mind." I said confidently. He chuckled and smirked.
Him: "Okay." Why did I feel like I just entered my own trap?

My WolfManNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ