Chapter 66

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After walking for so long, we finally came to a stop. And there it was, the cabin.

From how it looked, you could tell that a witch definitely lived in there. It looked so eerily and had witchy stuff all around it. Don't ask me how I knew it was witchy stuff, it just was. A gusty strong wind blew by and the bells hanging by the door started to ring about causing an echo around the forest. The door suddenly opened and I couldn't help but to hold in my breath.

There stood an old white woman with the biggest rod I've ever seen in history. Even though she was old, you could see and feel her power. Even nature paid their respects to her. It was absolutely quiet. No birds trees rustling...nothing. And the air felt charged. Yeesh! She squinted her eyes at us.

Aunt Agnes: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Tami: "Agnes, you silly old woman. It's us." She said giving a nervous chuckle. Aunt Agnes just gave a grouch and turned disappearing inside her cabin. Oh my god! "Agnes come on. Is this how you welcome family that you haven't seen in decades?"

Aunt Agnes: "I don't have family such as you dratful people." She said from inside the cabin. "You only bring trouble." Tami laughed.

Tami: "You missed us. Admit it."

Aunt Agnes: "Ha!" I heard her bang her rod on the floor. "Missed you my ass."

Tami: "We're coming in." She announced and then she and Zukile's father went in.

When Zukile started to move, I tightened my arms around his neck. He chuckled.

Zukile: "It's fine my mate. She's all bark no bite."

Aunt Agnes: "Ha! You smelly dog! I heard you!"

Zukile chuckled.

Zukile: "It was intended for you to hear Agnes."

Aunt Agnes: "Ha! No loyalty whatsoever. All bark no bite my ass. Come in here and bring that human mate of yours!"

We went in and Zukile put me down on my feet.  The inside looked more eerily than the outside. It was so dark that I had to squint my eyes to see. Aunt Agnes was sitting on a rocking chair and her gray eyes were on me. Yeesh! I swallowed trying to look braver than I was. It was like she was scrutinizing me. "So it's you. The Chosen One."

Zukile: "What Chosen One?"

Agnes Aunt: "The Chosen One. The One who will eradicate the evil that's coming. The One that will save us all." What?

Zukile: "What do you mean? What evil?"

Aunt Agnes: "Evil. Oh it's coming. I can feel it." Her eyes never left mine.

Zukile: "Agnes stop talking in riddles and give us straight. So is this prophecy true?"

Aunt Agnes: "Don't know if it's true or not but what I know is that something evil and sickening is coming and she's the only one that can destroy it."

What the heck?!

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