Chapter 60

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We were outside, deep in the woods. This place was huge. Every time I discovered something new when we were out. Zukile rubbed his muzzle against my ass and I squealed running away. He was in his wolf form. Every time I saw him in his wolf form, I wished I was also a wolf so that we could take our runs together every morning while running along or chasing after each other and just connect in a deeper level than we were now. I never told Zukile this but since he's my mate and a mind reader I'm sure he already knows, but every time he, together with the pack, went for their morning run to let out their wolves, I felt sad that I can't join him. It's like there's a part of him which I cannot connect with since I wasn't a werewolf. So every morning when he would wake up to go for his morning run with the pack, my heart would just sink to the bottomless pool. I wish I would change.

Patience precious one. It will happen

You mean it's possible that I will be able to change into a wolf?

Of course. How did you think you were going to spend eternity with me? The change will happen but it will take time


The way my heart was rejoicing.

Yes my mate. Even though you're the first human to mate with my kind, I know for a fact that you'll change. I can feel your wolf already. She calls out to me

She does?


Oh my god! Then why didn't you tell me?!

He chuckled.

Because I wasn't sure at first but now I'm sure

Oh my god Zuki! This is so great! I'll be able to run along side with you and our pack in my wolf form!

Yes my mate

I'm so happy! You have no idea

Actually I do. Your happiness shines so bright through our bond

This is great!


His muzzle poked my ass again and I squealed running and giggling happily.

As we continued to run, he would catch up and nip me with his teeth. He would also tackle me to the ground but he would make sure to break my fall so I don't hit the ground hard. Then he would run his muzzle and tongue all over my face causing more giggles to abrupt out of me. I loved how soft and wavy his fur was. I especially loved sinking my fingers into it.  I was in bliss.

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