Chapter 71

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I looked at Zukile.

Zukile: "She can-."

Aunt Agnes: "I want her to answer me." Zukile gave a nod. 

Me: "I can mindlink." She made a sound and nodded.

Aunt Agnes: "Mind telepathy. Interesting." She said looking at me strangely. "Is it only with him or you can also mindlink with other people?"

Me: "I-I don't know. I haven't tried yet."

Aunt Agnes: "Try now."

Me: "W-What?"

Aunt Agnes: "Try to mindlink with anyone of us here in the room besides your mate." I swallowed. "Come on child, we don't have all day."

I took a breath and closed my eyes.

Hello Tami?


I decided to try again with a little bit more concentration and push.

Tami? Tami? Are you there? Can you hear me?

I heard a shocked gasp.

Tami: "Oh my god!"

Aunt Agnes cackled.

Aunt Agnes: "I guess that answers our question."

When I opened my eyes, 3 sets of eyes were looking at me differently like I was this enigma.

I looked to the handsome man.

I can't believe I did that

Me too

I'm going to be awesome aren't I?

He chuckled.

As awesome as your mate

I laughed.

And then I covered my mouth when I realized that I had laughed out loud. I needed to practice how to do it through the mindlink. Zukile did it so naturally.

I have more than a thousand years of practice baby

Show off

He chuckled.

Aunt Agnes: "Okay so what else?" I bit my lip.

Me: "I can burn people with my touch."

Aunt Agnes: "What?" Zukile puffed out a laugh and told her what had happened with the vampire. "Does it only happen with vampires?" I shrugged.

Me: "It never happened again after that day so I don't know."

Aunt Agnes: "Mmmm...describe to me how you felt before it happened."

Me: " first it felt like a fire was building inside of me and then it just grew and I was burning from the inside."

Aunt Agnes: "Did it hurt?" I shook my head.

Me: "No...not really but it was intense. It felt like the fire was trying to come out and attack the vampire."

Aunt Agnes: "Mmmm...I see." She said as she tapped her rod on the floor: "And his hand immediately burned after touching you?"

Me: "Yes. It was so crazy. It was like his hand literally caught fire." I said with my eyes wide opened pointing to my hand. "But the invisible kind of fire."

Aunt Agnes: "Invisible?" I nodded.

Me: "You could feel it more than you could see it type of fire."

Zuko: "Gods."

Zukile: "When we captured him, his hand was badly burnt." He said. "And what was weird was that the burning never seemed to stop. It was like something was eating away at his flesh and as a result he was in tremendous pain, he kept cursing out Zenande calling her a witch."

Me: "Really?" He nodded. "But you never told me this."

Zukile: "I didn't want to scare you precious one." He said giving my neck a squeeze. Oh my god! What kind of superpower is this? Aunt Agnes coughed.

Aunt Agnes: "So we can say that your wolf identifies the enemy. To protect you she creates a defense mechanism which burns unwanted touches."

Me: "Cool." I whispered in awe. Tami laughed and Tina giggled. Zukile just gave me a squeeze.

Aunt Agnes: ""

Zukile: "But it leaves her with a red welt. That time I couldn't even heal her. It took about 3 days for the red welt to go away."

Zuko: "It makes sense that she would scar if the touch is unwanted." Aunt Agnes nodded.

Aunt Agnes: "Is there more?"

Zukile: "She can feel when bad things are about to happen." To this Aunt Agnes sat up straighter.
Aunt Agnes: "Really?"

Zukile: "Yes." He proceeds to tell her what happened.

Aunt Agnes: "Now this confirms it. She's a Seer."

My WolfManOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora