Chapter 51

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I quickly got dressed and went downstairs and Tina was there waiting for me.

Tina: "My Queen, Tina has come to take you to the commune hall." Her head was lowered.

Me: "Okay, lead the way please."

She turned and started to walk and I followed behind her. When I had got back from school earlier on, Tina was there waiting for me as she said she would. She had taken taken my bag to the bedroom for me and then she had fussed around me asking if she can help me with everything that I did and when I had tried to refuse her, she kept on insisting on doing it so I just gave up and let her do as she pleased which was to serve me. And serving me really pleased her. Every time she finished a task and I thanked her, she would have a small smile on her face. And seeing her smile made me want to praise her even more so that's what I did.

She was scared of the handsome though. Every time he was in the room and spoke, she would shrink into herself. I kinda understood because my mate was scary especially if he wasn't smiling and I noticed that he didn't smile when other people were around. I still needed to talk to him about that. I know that he was the Alpha and he needed to keep up appearances but that didn't mean he shouldn't smile once in a while. Anyway, I think I was going to like Tina. Apart from her being efficient and quick in everything that she did, she seemed quite nice.

When we arrived at the commune hall, it was packed. Yeesh. I was still not used to this. Everyone greeted me and made way for me to go to the front where Zukile was waiting for me. When I reached him, he pulled me aside him and addressed the people.

Zukile: "I just have two things to address then I'll let everyone off." He started. "Tonight enemies infiltrated our perimeter without the guards on duty knowing." People whispered to one another as some shared nervous glances. "Now this is unacceptable!" His voice boomed and everyone lowered their heads. Yeesh! "If we can't even prevent enemies from penetrating our perimeter, we are dead. Dead! Do you understand me?"

Everyone: "Yes Alpha!"

Zukile: "We have children and our elders here in our camp so we need to make sure our security is tight so that what happened tonight doesn't happen again."

Everyone: "Yes Alpha!"

Zukile: "Now Lutho, his team, and everyone else will work on tightening our security tomorrow. And those warriors who were on duty tonight will be punished under the Pack Law."

Everyone: "Yes Alpha!"

Oh my god. Punished? I grabbed his hand. He looked down at me.

Zukile: "You have something to say to our people?" He asked in a low voice. I shook my head.

Me: " don't have to punish those warriors." I whispered.

Zukile: "They didn't protect the perimeter."

Me: "I know but people make mistakes."

Zukile: "They're guards, they can't afford to make mistakes."

Me: "I know...but..." I bit my lip. "Just let them off this once. Please." He breathed and looked towards our people.

Zukile: "The warriors who were on duty come out." About 7 men came forward. They really looked like warriors. They were huge. Damn. "Your Luna speaks up for you and because of that you will be pardoned for only this once." Shocked whispers went around as some looked at me like I was an enigma. "Hurry up and thank your Luna."

The 7 warriors: "Thank you Luna!" They bowed with fist over their chests.

One of the warriors: "You're not only Luna the Courageous, you're also Luna the Gracious." People nodded agreement and then shockingly they started to shout "Luna the Gracious" as they threw their together fists in the air. I stood there shocked watching the scene before me and then something amazing happened, my heart filled with warmth and so much joy that I began to laugh and cry at the same time. I belonged. I really belonged! After some time Zukile quieted them down.

Zukile: "The second thing I want to address is the Gala. Because of unforeseen circumstances, it is postponed until further notice." Sounds of disappointment went around. This especially from the females. "Meeting adjourned. Go sleep." He took my hand and pulled me away.

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