Chapter 24

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I don't know how many hours had passed without him giving my body any break to rest. He kept on taking and taking me until the sun set on the horizon. Even though I was beyond exhausted my body still craved and wanted him. And what made it worse was the mark he gave me. It was super sensitive. Every time he would lick on it, my vagina would throb and the next thing I know, I was coming. I had no control over my body whatsoever. I still didn't understand all of what was happening to me especially now that I could feel him everywhere like he was part of me and I was part of him. I couldn't explain it but my heart and his were in sync. They beat at the same pace and rhythm. We were one. I know it sounded crazy and ridiculous even to my own ears but that's how it was. I swear. I passed out while in the middle of having my hundredth orgasm (I'm joking but I'm sure you guys got my point).

When I woke up the sun was up. I was alone in bed butt naked. Everything that happened came back in full force. I quickly scrambled out of bed trying to find my clothes. Seeing as they were in tatters on the floor proved that what happened had been real. I remembered how he ripped them off me. Lord! When I heard him climb up the stairs, I grabbed his t-shirt and ran to the bathroom locking myself in. Oh my god! Did I really lose my virginity to a werewolf yesterday? Thinking about the things he did to me yesterday and how I had let him made me groan in mortification. And what was worse was that I could still feel him. My body remembered everywhere he had touched me and kissed me. And most of all it remembered how he took me so savagely and possessively. I groaned covering my face. What was I going to do? It was not lost to me that I was more embarrassed than scared. Anyone in their right mind would be losing their shit. Yes I was scared but not for the reason you guys thought. No. I was just scared of what all of this meant. What it meant for me. Who was I to him? Now that he has slept and gotten his way with me, was he going to throw me away? Abandon me?


He growled. I gasped as my body shivered. I covered my mouth and tried not to breathe.

Do you hear me Zenande? That will never happen. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next.

He said with so much conviction. And the crazy part was that I believed him. I knew he was telling the truth. I could feel it. This was crazy.

I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer all of them so please open the door precious one. Stop hiding from me.

A-Are you really a w-werewolf?


Oh my god!

Precious one listen to-

No! This is... It's not possible. It can't be.

Deep down you know this is real. That we are real. You can feel it.

I couldn't deny what he said. It was true.

That's because we're mates and yesterday we bonded.


Yes. We mated and I marked you which sealed our bond.

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