Chapter 45

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I looked from Zukile to Tina with my mouth opened. She still had her head lowered. The way she was so still, you would swear she was a rock.

Me: "S-Serve me?"

Zukile: "Yes."

I pulled him to the kitchen with me.

Me: "What do you mean serve me?" I whispered in alarm.

Zukile: "Exactly that. Serve you."

Me: "I don't need a servant!" I whisper yelled.

Zukile: "I beg to differ. When I'm not with you, she will be there to take care of you."

Is he kidding right now?

Me: "I can take care of myself! I'm not a child!"

Zukile: "I didn't say you were a child my mate."

Me: "But you implied it." I told him angrily. "I don't need a servant. Please turn her away."

Zukile: "I can't do that precious one."

I frowned.

Me: "Why not?"

Zukile: "Because it's our way of doing things. A Luna always has someone to serve her every whim." I huffed folding my arms.

Me: "Well it's not my way of doing things so turn her away."

Zukile: "I can't do that precious one."

Me: "Zukile-."

Zukile: "Listen to me my mate." He said grabbing my shoulders. "This is very important. That girl out there, she's been raised to serve you."

Me: "W-What?"

Zukile: "Ever since she was a little girl she was chosen to be your servant. So she was trained on how to serve you and only you."

Me: "W-What?"

Zukile: "Yes, it's the truth my mate. She didn't get to go to school like other kids. Learning how to serve you was her only schooling so just imagine what will happen if we turn her away?"

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

Me: "S-She was t-trained t-to serve me?"

Zukile: "Yes."

Me: "S-Since she was a little girl?" He nodded. "How old?"

Zukile: "I believe she started when she was 6 years old my mate."

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

I covered my mouth with my shaky hand.

"So you see why we can't turn her away precious one? This is our way of doing things. It's been done for generations. For both that girl and her family, there's no greater honor for them than to be chosen to serve you so just imagine the disgrace they will feel and face if we turn her away. We might as well tell them to die."

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

It was worse than I thought.

"All her life she has been waiting for this day, even dreaming about it and now that it has finally come, you want us to turn her away?" He shook his head. "We can't do that my mate."

Me: "B-But Zuki...having a s-servant doesn't make me comfortable."

Zukile: "I know it doesn't but this is our way of living and you're the Luna of this pack so it's your duty to accept her and follow our way."

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