Chapter 83

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I was sick. And I had a feeling that it had to do with my wolf. I was burning, sweating and shivering. Tina was running around the place in panic trying to tend to me.

First, she took off my clothes, then she dried me with a wet cold cloth but that seemed to make things worse. The burning, sweating and shivering intensified.

Tina: "My Queen...My Queen. What should I do?!" She cried.

Before I could attempt to answer her, my mate barged in with all his might and fierceness. He gathered me in his arms and I moaned because his touch gave me somewhat relief.

Zukile: "Go get the healer!" He barked at Tina. Tina left in a hurry. "Don't worry my mate. Everything will be fine." He said rocking me.

Me: "I-It's...m-my...wolf."

Zukile: "I know I know." He said placing kisses on my forehead. "Everything will be fine. I'm here." He soothed. I don't want to lie, the pain I was in was nothing I've ever felt before. It was like my insides were on literal fire. I could feel Zukile trying to ease my pain but it wasn't really helping. Soon Tina followed by an old woman entered. "Nomvula Mama, help my mate."

Nomvula: "Yes Alpha." She bowed. She came forward and put her hand over my breasts with her eyes closed. This seemed to intensify everything. I screamed as my body convulsed in Zukile's arms.
Zukile: "Nomvula Mama." He growled in urgency.

Nomvula: "I'm almost done Alpha."

Zukile's arms tightened around me.

Zukile: "Bear with it my mate. It will be over soon." He soothed. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

After what felt like a decade, the excruciating pain was gone. Yes, gone. Just like that. The burning was still there but it wasn't unbearable as it had been a second ago. Nomvula smiled and removed her hand and bowed.

Nomvula: "It's done my Alpha."

Zukile: "What's going on Nomvula Mama? Is something wrong with her wolf?" She shook her head.

Nomvula: "Nothing wrong. Our Luna's body is preparing itself for the changing."

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