Chapter 48

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I breathed and focused on Tina again. She was a short and petite woman. Couldn't tell you how beautiful she was because she had her head down and all.

Me: " I don't know how we're going to do this because honestly I don't need somebody to serve me since I can take care of my-."

Tina: "My Queen doesn't want Tina? Did Tina do something wrong-."

Me: "No no no you did nothing wrong." I said waving my hands. "I was trying to say that I'm new in this whole thing of having somebody serve me so..." I trailed off and bit my lip. This is was a disaster. "I need to go to school now so we'll talk more when I come back." She didn't move or say anything. " can go and I'll see you when I come back."

Tina: "You don't have any tasks for Tina to do while you are away?"

Me: "No there's no tasks."

Tina: "Tina can do your laundry and iron your clothes. Okay?"

Me: "No there's no laundry and I already ironed my clothes."

This didn't seem to put her at ease, instead it made her appear more uneasy.

Tina: "Are you sure My Queen? Tina can do anything. Tina is here to serve your every need. Please use Tina."

Oh my. What was I going to do with Tina?

Me: "Tina there's really nothing for you to do now. Wait for me to come back and then we can talk about the things you can do for me. Okay?"

She didn't say anything. She squeezed her trembling hands together and blinked like she was going to cry.

Oh my god! What to do? What to do?

Just give her anything to do precious one

But there's nothing. This is all your fault. You did everything! You clean freak!

He laughed.

Just give her something baby. At this rate you'll be late for your first class

I bit my lip and tried to think of something for her to do.

Me: " can clean the floors. There's a mop and basin there by that kitchen cabinet."

Tina: "Thank you thank you My Queen." She said bowing her head multiple times. "Tina will make sure that the floors are clean and sparkling until you come back."

Me: " I'll go now."

Tina: "Have a good day My Queen. Tina will be here waiting for you."

Me: "T-Thank you."

I grabbed my things and left.

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