Chapter 75

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Aunt Agnes: "There are still some of our uninvited guests lurking around so watch out for yourselves when going back."

Zukile: "Don't worry. I already have them in my sights so killing them will be no biggie." Aunt Agnes laughed as she coughed hitting that rod of hers on the floor.

Aunt Agnes: "You really don't disappoint boy."

Tami: "Agnes you must take care of yourself. We'll try to come again to Russia and visit you more."

Aunt Agnes: "Please don't." Zukile's mother laughed hugging Aunt Agnes's arm.

Tami: "You love us, this I know."

Aunt Agnes: "Ha! You wish." She said in a grouch.

Tami: "Don't try to deny it."

Aunt Agnes: "Leave before I put a spell on you." Zukile's mother just laughed.

Zuko: "See you soon old witch. Take care." Aunt Agnes just hummed.

Zukile: "Agnes-."

Aunt Agnes: "Enough with the goodbyes. Just go." She said waving us off. Zukile's mother chuckled.

Tami: "She was never good with goodbyes." Aunt Agnes lifted her rod as it glowed with red energy. "Okay okay we're leaving we're leaving."

Zukile grabbed my hand and we all hightailed like our asses were on fire out of Aunt Agnes's cabin.

"That old woman, was she really about to make out bleed our guts out?" What? Zukile's father chuckled.

Zuko: "She wouldn't. You know how she likes to play with us."

Tami: "Unfortunately I do." Zukile's father chuckled some more.

As we walked back to the cars, the forest was alive until it wasn't. Everything had gone silent and tense now. Yeah, I could feel them, they were here. Even though I couldn't see them, I knew they were there hiding in plain sight.

Zukile: "Show yourselves." He growled. Nothing. "There's no use in hiding. We know you're out there so come out and let's get this over and done with."

After a few seconds they came out behind the trees. There were like 50 or so of them. Even though they were in black cloaks, there was no mistaking that they were vampires.

"I have to say, I admire your persistence. Even though you know you won't win against me, you still came looking for death."

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