Chapter 25

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Gosh! I stood in front of the mirror and stared at the mark in question. It was red. Even though it looked like a bite mark, it also looked something different. I couldn't explain it. It didn't look hideous or anything. I blew out a breath as I reached to touch it with my fingers. My body shook and I gasped the second my fingers brushed against it. I heard a deep growl coming from the other side of the bathroom door. Yeesh! So this is what connected us? I've read a lot of paranormal novels. I was a fanatic really. So you could say I knew about werewolves and what bonded mates were but now that it all was real was just...I

Most of the things written in those books don't even come close to explaining my kind and our ways, and what bonded mates are.

I didn't reply.

Please come to me baby. Let's talk okay? Please.

Darn. Him pleading was doing something to me. I could feel my body pulling towards him. It wanted to please him. This was just...

Zukile I-I...

I'm so sorry precious one. I should have explained everything to you before we bonded.

Yes he should've.

Forgive me my mate. Please. There was no denying that I liked being called his mate. Zenande! I know I know. But what to do? I couldn't help it.

Zukile...I-I w-was a v-virgin. I was red on the face as I confessed this to him. I still couldn't believe I wasn't a virgin anymore. That I had actual sex yesterday and not just once, multiple times. And I had enjoyed it. Well...saying that was putting it lightly. I more than enjoyed it. I covered my face. Geez!

A possessive and pleased growl.

I know. And you don't know how much that pleased me and my wolf. Our mate had saved her innocence for us. We will cherish the gift that you gave us mate for eternity.

I could feel the truth in all that he just said. I sighed.

Are you ready for us to talk now?

I-I guess so.

Thank you baby.

I bit my lip.

I will give you time to freshen up, then we'll take a walk outside and have our talk. Okay?


His mind brushed against mine in a sweet and comforting way and I felt and also heard him leave the room.

Here goes nothing...

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