𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖥𝗈𝗎𝗋

Start from the beginning

Gepard got back to his feet, his h/c haired companion waiting on him before the pair wandered off into the dark to check it out. There was the sound of water coming from the left, so y/n made a beeline for that direction.

She marveled at the icy walls around the as the two of them walked. Was the entire place made of ice? She could see what looked like stone beneath it, but she couldn't be sure.

"What is this place?" y/n breathed, "I would've never expected to find something like this beneath the snow."

"I've crossed over this place many times before and nobody ever noticed a thing. Maybe the ice above was worn down from people walking on it." Gepard suggested, picking up his pace a bit to remain beside y/n, "Don't stray too far, we don't know what's down here."

"Ah, I'm sure it's fine. You're right, though, I'll stick— WOAH!!" y/n could've sworn her heart jumped to her throat when her foot slipped out from under her.

Gepard immediately moved to grab her but was dragged down as well, the two of them falling flat in their 🍑es and being sent sliding down the tunnel, the icy floor sending them skidding along.

The ice covered walls of the tunnels zoomed past them as they went sliding downwards, darkness all around their pair. Y/n couldn't see 💩, but she felt Gepard grab ahold of her hand and drag her close until he was able to loop his arms around her.

One minute they were sliding down the tunnel, the next they were dumped in water. Oddly warm water for a planet that'd been in a centuries long ice age.

Geoard surfaced first with a gasp, shaking his head to rid his hair of water while y/n popped up next to him.

"Well, that was something." she hummed with a little blink, "You all good, Gepard? You didn't hit your head, did you?"

"No, I think I'm fine..." Gepard murmured as he rubbed at his temples with a little grimace, blinking open an eye to glance at y/n, "What about you?"

"Unharmed and still breathing." y/n chimed before glancing around, her eyes filled with curiosity, "Woah... take a look at this! This is totally out of place!"

Out of place indeed. The cave didn't make sense when the conditions of the planet were put into account, yet it existed anyways.

The warm lake sat in the center of a dim cave, reflecting the stalactites above. Plant life flourished around the cave, luscious green grass mining the cave floor.

Further along, a few feet away from the shore of the lake, was a tree. Ahhh, y/n wasn't fond of trees.

She shut her eyes and sunk in the water a bit with a little sigh of content, "What a nice find! I could just sit in this water all day and I'd be set!"

"But how is any of this here? Finding a cave out of nowhere was strange enough but a warm lake, plant life, and a tree? It's... impossible," Gepard breathed as y/n started doing backstrokes in the water, swimming in circles, "Ah— we should get out of the water."

"What? But it's nice and warm..."

"Well we don't want our clothes soaked. We'll have to leave eventually and it won't be pleasant if our clothes are wet when we get out."

Y/n sunk under the water a bit with a small scowl.
She didn't need to speak for her message to be clear.



Gepard groaned, approaching her and looping his arms under hers to drag her from the lake. She didn't protest, but she was clearly upset about.

He had a point, that's why.

After they got out of the water, they put some distance between one another and turned their backs to each other as they wiggled their way out of their wet clothes.

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