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September 17, 2021.

You were having breakfast at the terrace of your room, Charles and Charlotte were there too. There were pancakes, waffles, bacon, orange juice, coffee, maple syrup, jam, scrambled eggs. You decided to serve yourself waffles, bacon and some eggs. Carlos was pouring juice into a glass.

-Do you want some? -he asked, noticing you were looking at him.

-Please. -you replied. He poured the juice into another glass and gave it to you, you took a sip, it was delicious.

-I'm happy we are all here. -Charles talked.

-Yeah. -Charlotte replied. -I missed this. -she grabbed Charles's hand. You admired them, their relationship was beautiful and they were always kind to each other, there was no drama.

-I was thinking on going to the beach after we finish eating breakfast. -Carlos said after he swallowed the last bite of his pancakes.

-I think we're just going to stay by the pool. -Charles said to Carlos.

-I'm in, I don't want my tan to fade away. -you said. You stood up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You put on an orange bikini and went to the terrace. Carlos stood up and went to the bathroom.

-So? -Charlotte asked. -Spill.

-Spill what? -you laughed.

-You're both single again, you're sleeping on the same bed. -she raised her eyebrows.

-Nothing happened. -you bit your lip.

-Oh come on! -Charles said.

-Okay, okay. -you took a deep breath. -We kissed yesterday when we were at the pool. -you covered your face with both of your hands. Charles and Charlotte made a surprised face. You cleared your throat when you saw Carlos walking towards you. -Ready? -you asked him.

-Let's go. -he smiled at you. -We'll see you later.

-This conversation isn't over. -Charlotte whispered.

The weather was perfect. It was a sunny day, the wind was blowing gently, perfect for cooling off. You arrived at the beach and left the towels spread out on the sand. You sat on the towel and Carlos sat on his. You were admiring the view and Carlos was admiring you.

-What? -you asked looking at him.

-Nothing. -he turned his face. -You are just beautiful.

-You're going to make me blush. -you smiled shyly. -So Russia's next, huh? -you asked changing the subject. -How are you feeling?

-It's not about how I feel, it's about how I perform. -he played on the sand with his fingers.

-I hope it goes well for you, you deserve to be on the podium again. -you smiled.

-Are you going to be there? -he asked without looking at you.

-I'll be there. -he looked at you and you winked at him. His face lit up.

-Y/n... -he paused. Suddenly your hands were shaking and you felt nervous. -It's time we have that talk, we need to talk.

-Let's just enjoy the day. -you said avoiding it. -We can talk later.

-No, it's time we face it. -he said seriously.

-Face what? -you asked. There was no escape, you were going to talk and you couldn't avoid it anymore.

-That I love you and you love me. -he said. You tried to hide your smile. You wanted to wait to talk to him but it was already happening.

He was opening up and it was time you did the same, this was your chance. You stayed silent for a moment, trying to think of the right thing to say. You felt like you were blushing slightly. You moved and sat on Carlos's towel, close to him. He took you in his arms, hugging you, your hearts beating in unison. In that moment, everything else faded away. The past didn't matter, the future didn't matter. It only mattered that you were together and you both felt the same way.

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