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Seeing Y/n with Lando actually hurts so much, I want to be happy for her but I want her to be happy with me, it's selfish but it hurts. I really meant it when I told her I'll be waiting for her, I have hope.

I felt bad for not talking to her on the flight back to Monaco but it's the only way I can give her space and clear my head, I'm going to give her all the time she needs to sort out her feelings.

-I'm kind of bored, mate. -Charles said, I looked at his direction.

-Yeah, me too, bored and tired. -I blocked my phone.

-My sister told me she'll come after she finishes her meetings, is it okay with you?

-Charles, she's your sister, you don't have to check up on me.

-I wanted to, you weren't really talking much on the flight and I don't things to be awkward.

-I appreciate it but it isn't awkward, don't make it awkward. -I smiled at him. -I'll go for coffee and snacks, you want some?

-Yes please! 

-I'll be right back. 

I got into my car and drove to the nearest coffee shop, I parked and got out of the car. 

-Hi, can I get your order? -The barista said.

-Yes, thank you, it's going to be a long order. -I laughed. -Can I get an iced caramel macchiato -She grabbed a cup.

-What else? 

-An iced vanilla latte. -I made a pause and thought that maybe Y/n doesn't want a cold drink. -Also a hot chocolate. 

-Anything else? -She smiled.

-Yes, 2 lattes please, do you have cheesecake?

-Yes we do.

-One cheesecake, a donut and a croissant, please. 

-Of course. -I paid and went to the end of the bar to wait for the order to be ready, a few minutes later a barista handed me the food and coffees.

-I'm sorry, we're out of trays. -The guy said. 

-It's fine.

-I can help you take it to your car.

The barista helped me get the coffees and the bag with the food to my car. I put the coffees in the cup holders, one between my legs and the other one in the passengers seat, praying that it doesn't fall. 

Back at Charles' apartment, I called him so he could help me, I dialed him again, he wasn't answering. I didn't want to call Y/n, I didn't even know if she was already here, after doubting it many times, I called her.

-Hello? -She said serious.

-Are you with Charles? 

-Yeah, just got here, why? -I can hear Charles in the back, I rolled my eyes.

-He's not answering, can you help me down here? 

-Yeah, be right there. -She hang up.

I saw her going out of the apartment, coming downstairs, she had a little smile in her face. She approached me to the car, she smiled at me. I opened the door.

-You realize we're only 4, right? 

-Yeah I know, I didn't know which one you wanted, you like so many drinks so I brought you an iced caramel macchiato, an iced vanilla latte and a hot chocolate and they didn't have a tray. -I felt my face turning red, she noticed.

-How do you know these are my favorite drinks? -She said with a nervous smile on her face, she looked so beautiful.

-You've been in my life for so long, I notice these kind of things, I notice you. I also brought you a donut, a cheesecake and a croissant, I didn't know if you wanted all that sugar so the croissant just in case.

I have always known Y/n's favorite things, her reactions, her moods, everything about her, I liked her since the first day I met her, I notice everything about her. I know when she pretends nothing's happening but deep down she's feeling bad, I know when she's excited like a little kid but tries to hide it because she doesn't want to look inmature.

-Carlos! -She kissed me on the cheek, even if it was a friendly kiss, I loved it.

-You're welcome, niña.

She helped me carry the coffees inside, we noticed Charles and Charlotte peeking through the window, so obvious. They quickly settled on the couch as if nothing had happened, I laughed and smiled at them. 

Y/n sat down with the donut and the iced caramel macchiato, she looked like a little girl with candy. I sat next to her.

-What are we watching? -Charlotte said putting her head in Charles' shoulder.

-We should watch a scary movie...The Conjuring! We should watch all of them. -Y/n said.

-It's getting dark, sis...

-Don't be a coward! C'mon, we'll turn off the lights, get some blankets.

-Carlos? Back me up a little... -Charles said begging.

-Sorry mate, I'm not scared, unlike you.

-Okay! We'll watch them, jeez.

Charles grabbed two blankets, gave one to Y/n, and kept the other for himself. I turned off the lights and sat back down next to her. She played the movie. Charles and Charlotte were covered with the blanket. Y/n placed the blanket on my legs and hers, I love these little things, sharing a blanket with her and sitting down next to her.

As the movie progressed, some scenes would startle us, Charles and Charlotte were scared to death. For a while I had felt how she intertwined her arm to mine, I didn't want to say anything or move, I love feeling her close to me. She withdrew her arm and I looked at her.

In this moment, by her side, watching a movie, with her, her brother; my best friend, in this moment I wish I could stay forever, with her close, even something as innocent as our arms touching excites me and I love it, even if I can't have her.

-It's okay, I don't mind. 

We kept watching the movie and felt Y/n leaning closer to me, our arms were touching again, my heart was beating so fast, she rested her head on my shoulder and I tilt mine, resting it against hers.

The credits rolled and the movie ended. Charles went to turn on the lights, his face looking terrified.

-Never again!! I hate you Y/n Leclerc. -She burst into laughter.

-It wasn't that bad. -I supported her.

-Thank you Carlos.

-We're going to my room, tomorrow I have an interview and if I'm not able to get some sleep and rest, it's on you. -He pointed at Y/n.

-Charlotte will take care of you, little boy. -Y/n said mocking him.

-Yes I am! -Charlotte kissed Charles and I looked at Y/n, dying to kiss her.

-Okay now, too much information! -Y/n covered her eyes.


Here's Carlos's POV <3

A little gift before the quali, if one of them finishes P2, P3, I'll post the next chapter.

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you all are linking it.

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