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Carlos and you got in the car and made your way to the restaurant, the city was calm, you were enjoying each other's company. Carlos would occasionally glance in your direction as he drove, his hand resting casually on the steering wheel. You couldn't help but find him incredibly attractive even while engaged in such a mundane and everyday activity. You were familiar with the route you were taking, after all, you knew the entire city like the back of your hand. He was taking you to one of your favorite restaurants, known for its breathtaking view from one of the highest points in the city, a hidden gem that had not yet become overrun by tourists. As you approached, you could see the restaurant's name elegantly displayed, indicating that you had arrived at your destination. The entrance exuded an air of sophistication, with a doorman welcoming you with a warm smile. Inside, the restaurant boasted a chic and intimate ambiance, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. The atmosphere is romantic, intimate, and personal. As soon as you arrived, Carlos was recognized, and you were escorted to the reserved table.

-This is my favorite restaurant. -You shrugged your shoulders.

-I know. -He gave you a warm smile.

You spent a good time talking about how Carlos adjusted to Ferrari, Charles and Charlotte's relationship, racing, work, and life.

-What did you want to talk about? -You asked him beforehand to see if you were on the same page.

-Well, about us. -He said, running his hands through his pants, looking nervous.

-Dah, obviously. -You said funny to lighten the mood.

-I brought you on this date not because you asked me to, but because I wanted to, and I know it was about time. I think we've been lacking some communication, and I'm not sure if I'm right, but I think maybe you're confused about why I haven't made a move to be with you.

I also believe that we've been lacking in expressing ourselves, and yes, I've been confused. But it was me who told you that I needed time, and you've given it to me, and I appreciate that. -You said as you held his hand. -I want to do things right. I know we already know each other and basically know everything about each other, but I think we need to take things step by step, starting now.

Carlos looked at you with a sincere expression and squeezed your hand gently.

-I understand, and I agree. Let's take it step by step and give ourselves the opportunity to build something meaningful. I want us to have a strong foundation and make sure we're on the same page. -He said with a reassuring smile.

-I can't believe that what I've always wanted is coming true. -You said, your voice filled with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

-What are you talking about?

-I always wanted you to fall in love with me and be together. -You said, a hint of embarrassment in your voice.

-I always wanted that too, we were so stupid. -He laughed.

-It's fate.

You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You felt secure now that you know you're on the same page and that finally, something is starting between you two.

You were quite close to each other, and your heart was pounding as if you had never been this close to him before. Carlos's lips met yours, and you felt fireworks. Your heart settled as soon as your lips touched. You pulled apart, your eyes locked, both of you smiling. You realized many things, that what you felt for Carlos was something you hadn't felt for Lando or Pierre, it was more intense, deeper, more... magical. You didn't really know how to describe it, it felt different, it felt good.

Time seemed to fly by when you were with Carlos. As the night drew to a close, Carlos took your hand and suggested taking a walk together under the starlit sky. Hand in hand you found a quiet spot, you could see the whole city, the ocean, the beautiful night sky. Carlos gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and looked into your eyes with sincerity. You both knew that this was a turning point in your lives, a chance to explore a deeper connection and embrace the unknown together.

-We need to make a promise to each other, I'm not being pessimistic, but we should do it. -You said, holding his hands.'re scaring me. -He looked at you with confusion, squinting his eyes.

-We must promise each other that if at any point things stop working between us, we will remain friends, we won't drift apart. We need to make this promise because we've already experienced so much together, and now we're starting something new. Promise me that we'll never lose our friendship. I also say this for the sake of my brother, it's better to address it now than when it's too late. -His hand held your chin.

-I promise, niña.

Your love story officially began.

omg they're finally together????
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