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As you prepared for your meeting, you took extra care in getting ready. You stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water cascade over your body, washing away any remnants of the previous day's emotions. You selected a stylish and professional outfit that made you feel confident and empowered. Standing in front of the mirror, you carefully applied your makeup, enhancing your features with a touch of mascara, a swipe of lipstick, and a subtle hint of blush. Your hair fell elegantly into place as you styled it with precision, framing your face beautifully. You took a moment to appreciate the reflection staring back at you, a resilient and determined individual ready to conquer the day. Grabbing your work essentials, you headed out the door, taking a deep breath to center yourself. 

The meeting went well. Your manager had some questions for you and presented a few new opportunities. In truth, you didn't really need a manager. You enjoyed handling everything personally, having direct contact with brands, engaging with your followers, organizing contests – you preferred the hands-on approach. The manager was there mostly for support and guidance, someone to bounce ideas off of and provide a bit of assistance when needed.

As you exited the building, you headed towards the café located nearby. You put on your sunglasses with a headband and walked in, scanning the menu and contemplating what to order.

-Hey little sis! 

-Oh, hi Charles.

-What's up with the long face?

-Oh yeah, act like you don't already know. -You rolled your eyes.

-I actually don't know, let's talk about it over coffee.

-I'm not in the mood, raincheck? -You faked a smile.

-I don't know what this attitude is all about, stop being a bitch.

-Then mind your business!

-I didn't do anything to you! What the fuck, Y/n? I'm your brother, you can stop the act and talk to me.

Charles knew that when you got into that mindset, it wasn't personal. He understood that you were simply trying to hide, to conceal your feelings and keep others at a distance until you were ready to let them back in. Did it bother him? Of course, nobody likes a sarcastic bitch fed up with everyone when in reality she was just fed up with herself. Did you hurt others? Probably, but when you were in that state, you cared little about other people's feelings. Later on, guilt would come knocking at your door.

-Fine. -You ordered and went to sit at a table outside.

-Talk to me.

-You really don't know?

-Nope, I just know that your boyfriend called me at 5am telling me that you didn't feel good, you vomited and crashed your car. Are you okay?

-I didn't crash my car and yes, I felt sick, I had to pull over, I didn't want to puke all over my car.

-He's here in Monaco.

-What? He's in England.

-No, he told me he was at the airport at 5am, he told me what happened and he is here, he came to see you.

-I wasn't supposed to see him until France! -You started feeling nervous, playing with your fingers, biting your lip, and uncontrollably moving your leg.

-Seriously, what's going on? 

-I cheated on Lando.

-How the hell? Yesterday you were in my apartment, there's no way. -He paused. -Wait...

-Yeah, I thought he told you, I was wrong.

-On my couch????

-We didn't have sex, Charles, we kissed, it was magical, it was all I ever wanted but then, the guilt hit me, on my way home I felt so sick...I told Carlos that I needed to stay away from him, until I figure out my feelings.

-Isn't that a little selfish? He won't wait on you.

-I told him he doesn't have to, he can move on, I'm not expecting him to wait for me.

-Look, all I know is that Lando really loves you, he flew to Monaco only to be here for you, aknowledge that, he cares about you, there's so much at stake and if you decide to be with Carlos, do it amicably. I don't know how it would affect the friendship between Carlos and Lando. I know that eventually Lando would forgive everything. Do what your mind, body, and soul tell you. That's the only advice I can give you. Sometimes, if you force things, destiny takes care of making what is meant to happen actually happen. Make the most of your time with Lando, think things through, allow yourself to feel when you're with him.

-You're wise, brother. I appreciate your words and advice. I don't want to hurt anyone in the process, but I also need to be honest with my feelings.

-Being honest with yourself and others is important. Just remember to consider the consequences of your decisions and try to minimize harm to those involved. I'm here to support you, no matter what happens. 

-Thank you, really. Carlos is at your place?

-He went to Madrid, we'll see him in France.


You returned to your apartment with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts overwhelming you. As you parked your car, you were taken aback by the sight of Lando waiting for you. His unexpected presence caused a surge of emotions within you. You felt nervous and anxious, knowing that it wasn't the right time to tell him the truth. You wanted to take some time, assess your feelings towards him, and when the moment was right, share what had happened with Carlos, letting the universe decide the outcome.


-Hey! I just had coffee with Charles, he told me you were in town. You didn't have to bother, I'm fine. -You kissed him.

-I felt so bad that I wasn't here, you were alone coming home, I don't want you ever to be alone.

Lando and you entered the apartment together, and upon seeing him there, waiting for you, you felt a profound sense of relief and appreciation. You realized that he was there for you, willing to listen and support you in whatever you needed. The atmosphere was filled with calmness, and you forgot about what had happened. You were fully present in the moment, appreciating the here and now.


Guys I'm sorry I didn't update, I was busy with life but here's a marathon!! I hope you enjoy it! 

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