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The sun came in a little through the small opening in the curtain, all night Carlos was turning his back at you. You sat down and opened Instagram, you took a photo of the room, it looked cool how the sun was hitting the room, you posted it.

You got up and brushed your teeth, you grabbed your hair in a bun and sat down on the bed again, you sighed and went downstairs to the kitchen, Reyes was there.

-Good morning, cariño.

-Good morning. -you gave her a smile. -Smells delicious.

-Thank you! I'm making omelet and coffee.

-Can I have a cup? -she noded, you grabbed a cup from the same place you remember, you poured yourself some coffee.

-What are your plans for today?

-I honestly don't know, I think Carlos is mad at me so we didn't discussed our plans for today. -you took a sip from your coffee.

-Don't worry about that, whatever it is, it will pass, Carlos can never stay angry at you for long.

-Buenos días, mamá. -you heard him enter the kitchen, he approached Reyes and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he didn't look at you.

-Carlos, good morning, I was asking Y/n if you had any plans for today. -you watched him pouring some coffee in a cup.

-Oh, I'm going golfing with dad, I don't know her plans. -you rolled your eyes.

-Carlos, no seas grosero con ella. (Carlos don't be mean to her) -she told him in Spanish.

-Joder, no estoy siendo grosero, mamá, que yo ya tengo planes, ella puede hacer lo que quiera. (Damn, I'm not being rude, mom, I already have plans, she can do whatever she wants)

-I think I'm gonna take a shower. -you forced a smile.

-You're not having breakfast? -Reyes asked.

-Oh yeah, I'll be right down.

-Carlos POV-

She left the kitchen, leaving my mom and I alone.

-What's going on?

-Nothing, ma, don't even worry about it. -She served breakfast, a few minutes later my father arrived and sat with us.

-Where's Y/n? -he asked.

-She went to take a shower.

-Is she coming with us?

-I don't think so.

-You need to talk to your son. -my mom told my dad.

-About what?

-They're fighting.

-Already? What's going on, Carlos?

-Nothing, future stuff.

-Did you propose? -my mom said shockingly.

-Ma! Of course not. -they laughed, I sighed. -It's just...I told her yestarday that what would it be like when we have our own house and live together.

-She freaked out? -my dad asked.

-Kind of, it's just...she's afraid of commitment, that's all.

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