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You took a deep breath before taking a step forward. The track engineer saw you and waved, and you nodded and smiled. Carlos turned to look at you but quickly looked away. Ouch. You approached them, scanning the area for Char.

-Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen Charlotte around? I've been looking for her. -You asked, sounding a bit shy.

-She must be in Charles' room. -Carlos said, you smiled at him.

-Thank you, I'll go look for her.

You walked towards Charles' room, eager to disappear from Carlos' sight. You arrived and let out a sigh, hating not knowing how to act around him, as if he were a complete stranger.You knocked on the door and it opened after a few seconds. You saw Charlotte sitting in a small armchair inside the room, while Charles was in the desk chair. On the floor, there was a large Ferrari logo carpet, with the desk positioned beside the armchair. In front of them, there was a television, and underneath it, a six-drawer cabinet. On top of the cabinet, there was a scaled-down model of a racing car, and on the door, there was a life-sized sticker of Charles.

-I've been looking everywhere for you! I got a bike. -You said excited.

-I'm sorry! I lost track of time, I got a bike too, shall we?

-We shall, Char.

-Look at you, you girls seem like little kids, all excited. -Charles said making fun of us.

-Shut up. -You rolled your eyes. -I ran into Carlos. Honestly, I didn't know how to act. I felt so strange and uncomfortable. We barely exchanged three words, and he didn't even look at me.

-What did you expect? You told him that you needed to stay away from him. From what I see, he's just doing what you asked for. Don't be too hard on him. -Charles said, trying to calm you down.

-Your brother is right, Y/n...I'm sure he didn't ask for things to get complicated either. He's probably going through a difficult time, just like you are.

-I know, I really didn't want things to get complicated either, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of the complications. But well, anyway, let's go for a ride around the track, Char. Ready?

-Let's go, I'll see you after, baby. -She kissed Charles.

Charlotte and you hopped on your bikes and started your ride around the racing track. The atmosphere was electric with the sound of engines roaring in the distance and the scent of burnt rubber in the air. The smooth asphalt stretched out before you, inviting you to speed up and feel the rush of adrenaline.

As you pedaled along, you marveled at the sheer size of the track and the intricate details that went into its design. The grandstands stood tall, eagerly awaiting the arrival of roaring crowds on race day. The curbs were perfectly painted, and the safety barriers lined the track, ready to protect the drivers in case of any mishaps.

You could feel the excitement building as you picked up speed, the wind whipping through your hair and the thrill of being on a world-famous racing circuit. The familiar corners and straights became your playground as you navigated the track with precision and skill.

Charlotte rode beside you, a wide grin on her face, clearly enjoying every moment of the experience. You exchanged laughs and shouted to each other over the sound of the wind. The sun beat down on you, casting long shadows on the track, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shade. 

You took out your phone and captured the exhilarating moments of Charlotte riding her bike on the racing track. The videos showcased her skillful maneuvers and the sheer joy on her face as she conquered each turn. The wind rushing through her hair, the determination in her eyes, and the backdrop of the track created a visually captivating scene. As you reached the end of the ride, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration washed over you. You and Charlotte exchanged high-fives and smiles, knowing that you had just shared a truly unforgettable experience together. You shared the photos with Charlotte through AirDrop, transferring them seamlessly from your phone to hers. As she received the images, her eyes lit up with excitement, appreciating the moments captured in each frame. You also selected one of the videos you had recorded and uploaded it to Instagram, tagging Charlotte. 

With the bikes securely parked, you and Charlotte began strolling through the paddock area. The atmosphere was bustling with activity, as teams prepared their cars, mechanics fine-tuned the engines, and various personnel attended to their respective duties. You and Charlotte took the time to explore the paddock, observing the intricacies of the racing world, and engaging in conversations with team members and fellow enthusiasts along the way. The paddock offered a unique glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of Formula 1, and you soaked in every moment, enjoying the camaraderie and shared passion for the sport. As you continued your walk, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming race.

As you and Charlotte walked towards the Ferrari area, engrossed in conversation and sharing laughter, you suddenly encountered Daniel Ricciardo along the way. The vibrant colors of his McLaren attire suited him perfectly, with the orange cap casting a playful reflection on his face. His infectious smile was impossible to miss, and it seemed that happiness radiated from him wherever he went.

-Hey there, girl Leclerc.

-Daniel! Hi! Let me introduce you to Charlotte, she's my brother's girl.

-Hi Daniel!! I heard so much about you.

-Of course, everyone has something to say about me, my talent, my beauty. Just kidding! Nice to meet you, Charlotte. -You and Charlotte laughed.

-Sure, guys, I'm going to see Charles. But Y/n, I'll see you at the hotel, I guess.

-Yes! -Charlotte went away.

-I'm guessing you're going to the McLaren area? To see your boy.

-Yes, I was heading there. Are you also going there?

-Yeah, let's walk together. -You started walking towards McLaren.

-I know that it's been three months since you switched to McLaren but how's it going?

-The team has been very supportive, and I feel like I'm really starting to find my place here. The car has been performing well, sometimes I feel like I still have a little way to go to get fully accustomed, I haven't reached the goal yet, but I've been earning good points. Oh, and my teammate is incredible, we make a great team. -He smiled.

-He better be! If he misbehaves with you, let me know and he'll have to deal with me. -You winked. -But, keep focusing on your performance, learning from every race, and making adjustments along the way. You're good, Daniel and everyone loves you, you're amazing as a driver and as a person. 

-Ow, thank you Y/n Leclerc! 


Here's the marathon, hope you like it :)) 

Tell me your thoughts!! 

Also...thanks for 12K reads!!! That's amazing <3

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