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-That's a wrap! -Alan said happy. -It's been great, Y/n.

-It really has been great, thank you for your tips and directions. -you smiled.

-You're an amazing model, Leclerc. -Patrick said. -I gotta run now.

-Bye, Patrick and thank you. -you hugged him, he waved goodbye to Alan and left the studio.

-I'm starving. -Alan said packing up his things.

-Me too. -you sat on the floor and saw the time on your phone. -Oh my God. -you laughed. -Is it really this late? -he checked his phone.

-Yep, it is. -he chuckled. -Are you in the mood for pizza? -he asked. -I could order some, well, you'll have to give me some recommendations.

-I'm always in the mood for pizza. -you smiled and he sat next to you, he handed you his phone and you searched for your favorite pizza place. -Here, order whatever you want.

You were tired and very hungry after the photoshoot but also happy. It had been a perfect and fun day.

Alan was ordering the pizza and your phone started to ring, you got up to take the call outside. It was Carlos, you wanted to tell him everything but you controlled yourself.

-Hi, Carlos! How's Madrid treating you?

-So good and with my mom's cooking, even better.

-I'm glad, we miss you here.

-Did you tell your news to Charles?

-Yes, yesterday we had dinner and I told them. -you smiled. -I'm sorry I'm making you wait but I want to tell you in person.

-The suspense is killing me. -he laughed. You saw a guy on a motorcycle approaching you, he got off and took the pizza box out.

-Hi, Alan's order? -he asked.

-Yes, thank you very much, is it already paid?

-Yes, enjoy miss. -he said and left.

-Alan? Who is Alan? -Carlos asked.

-He's just a new friend, I got to go now, I'm starving. -you said. -See you on the weekend?

-Of course.

You got back into the studio with the pizza box on one hand, you sat on the floor next to Alan and opened it.

-It looks so good. -he said.

-It tastes even better. -you both grabbed a slice and started to eat. -Where are you from anyway? You have an accent.

-Well, I'm from Spain. -he said. -I live in Germany since I started working at Puma, that's where the HQ is. -he grabbed another slice of pizza. "What do I have with Spanish guys?", you thought.

-That's nice. -you said. -Tell me about you! When's your birthday? What sign are you? -you giggled.

-Oh, you're that girl.

-Hey! I like zodiac signs. -you made a face to him.

-Well, I'm 24, my birthday's on September 22nd, I'm a...-you didn't let him finish.

-You're a libra.

-Correct, what are you?

-I'm a sagittarius, fire sign baby!

-That's cool, I guess, sorry, I know nothing about that. -he laughed shyly.

-Do you know how to speak german?

-Not really, I know my coffee order.

-That's the most important thing to know. -you looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

-Would you like to go out tonight? -he asked.

-You know what? I wanted to spend time with my brother but we could go to a club and he and his girlfriend could come with us, if that's okay with you.

-Oh totally, that sounds good.

-I'll text him and we'll see you at the hotel you're staying at and go from there.

You spent a couple more hours with Alan, laughing and talking about everything, he really was a good guy or at least he seemed that way.

You got to your place and before taking a shower, you lay on your bed and fell asleep, you were exhausted.

You woke up like 2 or 3 hours later, you didn't even notice at what time you fell asleep. You looked at the time and it was already 9PM and you took a quick shower. You decided on a casual outfit, ripped mom jeans with a black top and black boots and you straightened your hair and a natural make up, you were too tired to do more.

Charles and Charlotte arrived to your apartment and you went down, you got into Charles' car and greeted them, Charles drove to the hotel to meet Alan.

Arriving to the hotel, you saw Alan outside looking at his phone, you got out of the car and approached him with a smile. He was wearing a dark green shirt with baggy black jeans.

-Do you always look beautiful? -he asked and kissed your cheek. You blushed. He grabbed confidence very quickly or he really was into you.

-You look good too, Alan. -you said and you both got into the car. -This is Alan, Alan this is my brother Charles and his girlfriend, Charlotte.

-Oh man, pleasure to meet you. -Alan said to Charles. -I'm a big fan.

-Hi, Alan. -Charlotte said.

-I like you already. -Charles said and drove to the club.

When you got there, there was a line of people waiting to get into the club. Charles left the car with the valet and someone walked you to a table. The club was already full of people since it was almost midnight. You ordered a bottle and shots, you all took the shots to get the night started.

-He's cute. -Charlotte whispered in your ear.

-Right? -you said. Charles ordered more shots and you took them again. You didn't want to drink so much, you just wanted to be in the mood.

You were all dancing and having a great time. You recorded them to post it to your Instagram story. Alan came closer to you and grabbed your phone, he told you to smile and took a selfie, it was a cute selfie. You posted it too.

-Let's go to the dance floor. -Alan said grabbing your hand. A Bad Bunny song was playing and you were dancing to it. Alan grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him, moving your hips to the beat of the song. You were into it. Your bodies moving in unison. You hugged Alan's neck and moved closer to him. Alan hugged you around the waist and put you closer to him as well. Your faces were inches away from each other. You felt heat all over your body, you weren't sure if it was because you were dancing, or because it was hot in the club, or because Alan was very close to you, about to kiss you. You noticed how he looked at your lips, he looked hesitant, maybe nervous, you smiled because it was actually cute. Your heart began to pund, you felt his fingers caressing your lower back, you felt chills. He was now staring into your eyes and smiled. As your lips met, a tingling sensation ran through your body. You felt his hands gently cup your face as he deepened the kiss. His lips moving against yours with urgency. Suddenly a feeling of regret enveloped you, you felt confused. You wanted to kiss him, you were having a good time, he was an attractive and good guy, the night was amazing but, he wasn't Carlos. You realized you only wanted to kiss Carlos and it was killing you.


CARLOS COME GET YOUR GIRL!!! am I right?????

here's the chapter as promised!! tysm for the support <3

unlock next chapter: 30 votes, 10 comments or 'til February 9th 

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