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Carlos approached with a warm greeting, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. Lando, ever the gracious partner, reciprocated the greeting with a polite nod and a friendly smile. There was a subtle tension in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of the connection you shared with Carlos.

-Hello mate! -Lando said.

-Lando, you're back. -He looked at you, amazed by your beauty. -Big plans?

-Yeah, we're going to a restaurant. -You replied taking Lando's hand.

-Well, you guys look amazing, hope you have a good time.

-Thank you, Carlos. -Lando smiled at him. -We better get going.

-Good night, chili.

-Good night, guys.

As you prepared to depart for your dinner plans, an understanding passed between you and Carlos. It was an unspoken agreement to set aside the emotions that simmered beneath the surface and allow the evening to unfold without unnecessary complications. With a final exchange of warm smiles and a brief moment of shared understanding, you and Lando bid Carlos farewell and continued on your way. You stepped out of the hotel, ready to embrace the evening's adventures. The night held the promise of delightful flavors, captivating conversations, and cherished moments.

As you entered the restaurant, you couldn't help but feel a sudden wave of surprise wash over you. Standing near the entrance was Pierre, this was the date with more inconvinients ever. You felt nervous and scared, you didn't know how Lando was going to react seeing Pierre.

Pierre noticed you and, with a genuine smile, approached your table. Lando looked up and his smile faded away.

-Why do you bother coming to our table? -His usually cheerful expression became slightly tense, and a flicker of discomfort crossed his face upon seeing Pierre. You exchanged a quick glance with Lando, trying to convey reassurance and understanding. It was clear that he was grappling with a mix of emotions, including insecurity and perhaps a touch of jealousy. You silently reminded yourself of the importance of empathy and open communication in such situations.

-Look, man, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the other day, we just hung out.

-Pierre, it was solved, please, it's not a good time. -You said, Pierre nodded, put his hand on your shoulder and walked away.

-Sorry about that.

-Don't worry Lando, I get it. -You took his hand. -Thank you for today, I am loving every minute of it.

-Me too, babe. -Lando paused and looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of nervousness and sincerity. You could feel his emotions hanging in the air, and your heart skipped a beat, sensing something significant was about to unfold. With a soft, yet determined voice, Lando took a deep breath and uttered those three powerful words. -I love you.

Your eyes widened, and a wave of warmth washed over you. The world around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in that intimate space. Your heart swelled with a mix of joy, surprise, and gratitude for his brave declaration. A gentle smile spread across your face, reflecting the depth of your emotions. You reached out and took Lando's hand, intertwining your fingers with his, a silent acknowledgment of the love you shared.

-I love you too, Lando.

You could see it in Lando's eyes, feel it in his touch, and hear it in the beating of your hearts. Time resumed its course, and with a newfound sense of closeness, you embraced each other, basking in the beauty of this milestone in your relationship. Lando's heartfelt confession had opened a door to a deeper level of love and intimacy, strengthening the bond you shared.

After dinner, you walked back to the hotel hand in hand, sharing laughter and anecdotes. The cool night air gently caressed your faces asyou enjoyed the warm glow of the city lights. Upon reaching your room, you stood in front of the door, looking at each other with complicity and love. Lando softly caressed your cheek and gave you a tender kiss on the lips, expressing his affection and gratitude for sharing that special moment together. You entered the room together, your hands intertwined and your hearts filled with anticipation. The soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminated the space, casting a warm and intimate ambiance. As they crossed the threshold, a sense of familiarity and comfort enveloped you. The air was charged with a mixture of desire and tenderness. You exchanged glances, your eyes sparkling with affection and desire. Your smiles spoke volumes, conveying a shared understanding and a silent agreement to embrace the intimacy that awaited you. Time seemed to slow down as you moved towards the bed, your movements synchronized and your hearts beating in harmony.

With a gentle touch, you undressed each other, your hands exploring familiar curves and contours. Every touch was filled with love and reverence, as if you were discovering each other anew. Your bodies melted into each other's embrace, surrendering to the passion and connection that had been building between you.

As the night wore on and your bodies entwined, exhaustion began to embrace you. Your breaths gradually steadied, and a sense of tranquility settled over your beings. Lying side by side, your bodies molded together, you found solace in the gentle rhythm of your breathing.

The room was blanketed in a peaceful silence, broken only by the occasional sigh or rustle of the sheets. Your fingers remained lightly intertwined, a subtle reminder of the profound connection you shared. The weight of the day's events, the emotions stirred, and the intimacy exchanged washed over you, lulling them into a deep slumber.

Tysm for 3.5k reads!! I'm so glad you're liking the story
Just because I'm thankful with you all, I'll post 2 chapters 🫶🏻
Tiktok: f1.wag


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