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-Hello, miss, welcome. How can I assist you?

-Thank you, I want a room. What floor are the Ferrari team staying on?

-I'm sorry, miss, but I can't provide that information.

-Oh, I'm Y/n Leclerc, Charles Leclerc sister, you know, the Ferrari driver. -You hated when you had to say it.

-My apologies! They are staying on the 16th floor. Would you like your room on that floor as well? -He smiled.

-If it's possible, yes, please.

You checked in at the front desk and were given the key to your room. They offered to help you with your luggage, but you declined. You could manage on your own.The previous night, you had decided to surprise Carlos in Austria. You didn't want to wait another whole week. You tried to arrive before the qualifying session, but you didn't make it.You entered your room and unpacked your things. Usually, you only unpacked if you were staying for more than four days, but since you would be in Austria for a little over a week, it was necessary to feel as comfortable as possible.

You checked the time and estimated that they would arrive at the hotel around 6:30 pm. There was still an hour to go. You left your room, took the elevator, and headed to the restaurant.

As you entered the restaurant, you scanned the room casually, not expecting to see anyone familiar since you thought everyone was at the circuit. However, to your surprise, your eyes locked with someone you never imagined seeing there. You felt your blood pressure drop, your heart started racing so fast you thought it would burst out of your chest. You felt a wave of anxiety, confusion, and regret for having gone to surprise them. You felt like a complete fool. You stepped out of the restaurant and leaned against a wall. You took deep breaths to calm yourself down. What was she doing here? Did they get back together? You couldn't make sense of it all. What else could she possibly be doing in Austria if not to see him?

You went up to your room, closed the door, and started pacing around, thoughts racing through your head. Did they get back together? Is he playing you? Is this karma? You heard your phone, it was a text.

Charles: got P7 :/ not great but not bad.

Another notification popped up.

Carlos: I'm on my way to the hotel, not a good result, hoping the race will be better. What are you doing, niña? I miss you.

"Yeah, right." You thought. You entered Charles' chat, ignoring Carlos' messages. You didn't want to respond to him until you knew what was going on.

You: I'm in Austria, knock twice on room 1655 when you arrive at the hotel, I need to talk to you.

Charles: What!? I can't believe you're here! Ok, will do.

While waiting for Charles, you tried to calm yourself down. You didn't want to think the worst or let it give you anxiety. You tried to distract yourself with TikTok and Twitter, but you couldn't stop thinking about seeing her. You couldn't help but wonder why she was there and what was happening. You heard two knocks on the door, finally, Charles arrived. You walked towards the door and opened it. Charles smiled at you and hugged you. In the embrace, you nudged him inside quickly and closed the door.

-What a surprise sister! -He said sitting on the bed.

-The surprise was when I went down to the restaurant. -You were playing with your fingers, Charles' face changed.

-What are you talking about? -He paused.- Oh...

-Yeah, oh! What is Isa doing here Charles? Why didn't you tell me anything.

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