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-You shut up, Charles. -you said. 

-I have a question. -Carlos said, you looked at him, waiting for his question. -Now that you know the truth, can we be friends? 

-We shouldn't discuss this with my brother here. 

-Oh c'mon. -Charles said.

-We'll talk later. -you said to Carlos, he moved his head as an affirmation.

-I could go if you want me to. 

-That's okay. -Carlos replied to him.

-I mean, I have to go buy some stuff so...-Charles got up and grabbed his keys.

-Are you sure? -you asked.

-Yeah, I'll see you in a bit. -he opened the door and left you and Carlos alone.

-So. -Carlos started talking. -Can we be friends now? We can be friends, we had a good time and everything's fine. 

-I don't know, Carlos, I don't want to cross boundaries, you know?

-And we won't, at least I want to have you as a friend, if that's what it takes for you to stay in my life and I won't say anything else about you and me, you're with Lando now and I know that's my fault bacause I didn't tell you me and Isa was a lie but that's okay now, you know the truth, you're with Lando and we can be friends.

You knew he was being honest and you missed him, you didn't want to lose him, it was hard enough. You realized he was being respectful with your relationship you have with Lando. After knowing the truth about him and Isa, you felt good, at first you didn't want to be friends with him because it hurt you seeing him with Isa and you knew he probably was hurt too, he wanted to be friends even if that means watching you and Lando together, he just wanted to keep you in his life and so did you. At this point you were willing to try it.

-Fine, Carlos we'll try and see how this being friends work for us after everything that happened. -you sighed and then smiled.

-Great! I mean we better get along, we're going to be in each other's lives forever, as friends, as something else or at least as your borther's best friend. -he couldn't stop smiling, he looked cute.

-Totally agree. -you squeezed his shoulder, he looked at you. -Where was Charles going?

-I don't even know anymore. -he said and the door opened, you saw Charles coming in.

-Speaking of the devil -you said, he left the door open and you saw someone else getting into de apartment. -Pierre? -you said and got up, you hugged him. 

-Hello, gorgeous. -he smiled.

-Oh my God, what are you doing here?

-I asked Charles if I could stay here and fly to Hungary all together. 

-We didn't know you were coming. -Carlos said and crossed his arms. 

-Don't give me that bad boy look, I know you're not my biggest fan but we have two things in common. 

-Oh yeah? And what's that? 

-We're Charles's best friends and we're both Y/n's ex. -he smiled, Carlos rolled his eyes. 

-That doesn't change the way I feel about you.

-Give me a break, we're all here to have a good time. -Pierre put his arm around you. -Right? -he looked at you.

-Yes! I'm so glad you're here, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

-I know, now that you're with Lando again you forgot about me! Last time we hung out you were wasted. -he paused and came closer to your ear. -I'm glad thing worked out with Lando, I'm not at all jealous. -he whispered, you felt the blood rushing to your face and pushed him gently.

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