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-I wish you could stay longer. -Reyes said kissing Carlos' cheek.

-I know, me too but you know how it is. I hope to see you both soon.

-Of course! We'll let you know when we can go to a race. -his father replied. -And it was so good to see you, Y/n.

-Ow, thank you, I love coming here, I missed it.

-Next time bring Charles with you, ok? -Reyes added.

-Of course! He'd love to come.

-I'll give you a ride to the airport, let me get the keys.

-No, pa, don't worry, the car's almost here. 


-Yes, don't worry.

-Thank you so much, for everything, I wish we could stay here longer. -you said as the car arrived.

-You are welcomed anytime, honey. -Reyes replied and say their good byes.

*start listening secret love song-little mix(feat. jason derulo)*

The jet took off and you raised your legs onto the seat, unbuckling the seat belt. Carlos was sitting in front of you, looking through the window, he looked thoughtful and serious.

-What's on your mind? -You asked leaning towards him, holding his hand, he looked at you.

-We need to talk. -he let go of your hand. -You need to listen and be objective, don't take it personally.

-You're scaring me, what is going on? Just say it. -you started to get in a bad mood, a hundred things crossed your mind.

-After last race and the after party...we had a meeting with the team.

-Who's "we"? 

-Me and Charles, anyway they found out you and me are together.


-Let me talk, Y/n. -he paused and sighed, your palms were sweaty. -We need to be careful, we need to keep out of sight, keep our relationship private.

-Private? You mean a secret. -you were upset already, you hated this part, you never went through this with Pierre or Lando. -What arguments do they have? This is bullshit and why did they only tell you? What about Charles and Charlotte? This doesn't make any sense.

-Charles and Charlotte started dating before we did, they told me that they don't want people to speculate.

-What does that mean exactly? This is unbelievable.

-They don't want people, fans to start with conspiracies and rumors about my performance and Charles' in the races, since I'm his sister's boyfriend, they don't want us to perform less, sabotage the races, eveything has to be clean and fair, you know, people make up anything, they can even say that you asked Charles to let me pass so I could finish in a higher position or vice versa.

-I wouldn't, you know it.

-This isn't about you, I hate this as much as you do, niña, but I can't do anything about it, I have a contract, it's not gonna be forever, just for a while.

-But people saw us together at that club, those girls know we're together, what about that?

-So...Ferrari's gonna pay the media to write about how we aren't dating and we were all hanging out as friends.

-Damn, I hate this Carlos, I can't even show off my boyfriend? We can't be seen in public? -you covered your face. -This sucks.

-It's gonna be okay, this doesn't change anything. Also...I hate this too but the other drivers can't know, like...they can't know we're private and they can't know we're dating, just Charles.

-What? What are we gonna tell Lando and Pierre? Why the fuck do we need to do this? It's absurd.

-We'll figure it out, the good thing is you are Charles's sister and you can go to all the races and no one will suspect anything. 

-Bullshit, I want to be able to kiss my boyfriend if he wins a race or if he DNF.

-I know, I'm so sorry.

-And what happens when we arrive to Maranello? 

-Charles and Charlotte are going to pick us up, people will see the four of us arriving at the hotel, we're still gonna share a room, don't worry.

-I think I want to go home. -you stood up and went into the bathroom.

You wet your face and looked in the mirror, when did all this happen and why is he mentioning it until now? Your heart was beating so fast, you felt your face heating up, you were sad and angry and confused. 

You opened the door and stood there, Carlos looked at you.

-We're about to land so you should sit and fasten your seat belt. -you raised your eyebrows and sat down in the seat behind you were originally sitting, turning your back to Carlos.

The landing was a little rough, the whole time you had your eyes closed, you no longer felt movement so you opened again your eyes, you unbuckled your seat belt, grabbed your things and got off the jet, Charles and Charlotte were alredy there in the car, Carlos got out behind you and you turned around.

-Just so you know, I'm leaving tomorrow. -you walked to the car, waving at them and got in, you saw that Carlos stood stiffly where he was standing.

-What's up with Carlos? -your brother asked.

-Don't know...don't care. -you whispered. 

-I guess he told you about the meeting. 

-Yeah, anyway, I'm going to Monaco tomorrow.

-What? We're going to England in like 2 days.

-I don't know if I'm going to England, right now I don't feel like it.

-Y/n...I understand and I respect your decision but please come with us, I promise everything will get better, it's just work stuff, your relationship won't change. -Charlotte tried to cheer you up.

-It's going to be hard, I hate this, thank you Charlotte but I'm going to Monaco tomorrow and maybe I'll catch up with you guys on Saturday for quali. -the door opened and Carlos got in.

-What are we talking about? -he said closing the door and Charles started the car.


Are you kidding me right now?!? What do you mean a secret relationship "just for a while" nahhh, what is this?????

Thanks sm for 20K reads holy cow, I can't believe it!!! Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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