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The next day you had a meeting and then facetime with Patrick, everything was going well with your work. Your followers were increasing since Puma posted one of your photos on their Instagram and you were very happy and excited about it.

Alan had more work so you were left alone in his apartment, you ordered something to eat and watched a movie. You took a nap and then showered.

Suddenly, the texts that Carlos had sent you came to your mind. You didn't want to get your hopes up or think about it but you did think about it. You were wondering what he was doing now, if he was with Lucía, if he was with Charles, if he was happy, serious or normal, if he had already eaten, a thousand things you were wondering.

To clear your mind, you decided to go for a walk, put on a hoodie and went out on the street. You breathed the fresh air and finally felt calm. You got to a park and sat on one of the benches that were there. There were people walking their dogs, moms with their small children, couples in love and you felt alone. happened to you that even though you weren't physically alone, you felt alone and it happened to you more often than you would like to admit.

You walked back and Alan was already there, you said hello to him and went to the guest room. It was already dark outside. You put on your pajamas and got into bed and a few minutes later you were asleep.

You hated everything that happened since Carlos told you you had to keep your relationship private, from that moment on, everything went to shit. 

You thought that everything was going to change with Lando, that everything was going to be okay, that your relationship would last and be happy but it wasn't like that. The truth is, Lando was an escape that you at the end had to escape from and it hurt to think that things weren't going to be the same with him. Then you thought maybe you and Carlos could finally be together but always something gets in the way and you hated that, you were sick of it.

The only right thing to do was to keep your distance, focus on you, on your work. You were done waiting for the right time. You wanted him to be happy even if it wasn't with you.

You thought that maybe, Carlos was that someone you wanted and loved so much that you were blinded and couldn't see that maybe you weren't meant to be, maybe you were forcing things and it doesn't work that way. And you felt like you were fighting most of the time, it  didn't make sense to you, but then a little thought came to your mind, you cared enough to fight things out, to fight not only each other but fight for whatever you have. You didn't want to make any mistake, even though you felt like you have made a lot of mistakes. You just don't want your love for him to fade away, you were going insane. You wanted it to burn forever.

You woke up and did your routine, get up, shower, eat breakfast. You didn't have anything planned so you decided to post instagram stories talking to your followers about how things are going with Puma. You went to Puma's profile on Instagram and saw that you were their profile picture, your heart skipped a beat, you were the happiest girl alive right now. You ran to Alan's room and knocked, he opened the door and you hugged him, he looked confused but he smiled.

-My picture is Puma's profile picture on Instagram! -you screamed.

-What? -he asked excited. -I haven't seen it. -you showed him and jumped around with you. -You deserve it!! -he said hugging you.

-Thank you so much for being a part of it! -you kept looking at it. 

-You're also on the website! -he said showing you his phone.

-I can't believe it. -you sat on his bed. -I never thought I would be on a website.

-That reminds me, I'll send you some of the photos I took yesterday. -he opened his laptop. -So you can post one, you know?

-Yes! -Alan sent you a couple of photos, you posted one, tagging Puma, Alan and the make up artist. -This has made my day a lot better.

You liked that you felt comfortable with Alan, you hadn't known each other long but you already considered him a great friend.

You watched a couple of movies with Alan, made some popcorn and enjoyed each other's company, you felt calmed and happy, even if you didn't do anything, you were at peace. 

It was already dark outside and you were sleepy, you went to the guest room and sat on the bed. You were scrolling through Instagram, watching stories of people you followed and then, you saw Charles's story, it was a picture of Carlos with a cake. You totally forgot his birthday, a feeling of guilt washed over you but you didn't know what to do, it was too late to call him or send him a text. You were surprised that Charles didn't call you to wish Carlos a happy birthday but you were also relieved he didn't. You locked your phone, got into bed and tried to fall asleep.


a short chapter but here it is as promised

y/n totally forgot his birthday omg 

don't forget to vote and comment!! and remember "don't blame me" is up and running on my profile (in spanish)

unlock next chapter: 70 followers, 30 votes, 10 comments or 'til march 9

mwah love you

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