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You and Lando arrived at the club, it was full of people even though it was a Monday, advantages of the city being full of tourists, the music was loud, very loud, the two of you inspected the place and decided to go to the bar to start the night.

This was just what you needed, a few drinks, loud music and dancing all night.

-What can I get you?

-Four tequila shots, please. -you said loudly, he poured it.

-Why four? -Lando asked. -You do realize we're only two?

-Are you scared, Lando? -you mocked him.

-No, I was just wondering, it's Monday Y/n!

-So? We haven't gone out to drink in a while, loosen up a little. -he sighed.

-Fine. -you took the shots and drank them. -WOOOO!

-Oh my God! I love this song, come. -you said and went to the dance floor, "Morenita (feat cumbiafrica)" was playing, Lando followed you and started moving to the rhythm of the song.

A girl approached you, she was bringing to you many shots and she had a sign that had "Lando Norris LN4" written on it.

-I think they know who you are. -you told Lando jockingly.

-You think? -he laughed. -Thank you so much! -he said to the girl and then she left. -What are we going to do with so many shots?

-I don't know, drink them? -you grabbed one and drank it.

-Damn, you're on fire. -he said surprised.

-Well, hello gorgeous. -you listened from behind, Lando saw who it was first but just by hearing his voice, you knew.

-Gasly! -you said and hugged him, he grabbed you by the waist and with just one arm, he picked you up and spun you around. -What are you doing here?

-Well I wanted to surprise Charles but I was the one surprised when I told him I was in Monaco and he told me he had no plans to come.

-Oh, I'm sorry. -you giggled. -He's with Charlotte and Carlos I think.

-Yeah, I figured. -Pierre looked at Lando. -Hi, Norris, didn't see you there.

-Yeah, right. -Lando said and they shook hands.

-Get together, let's take a picture. -you said opening the camera.

-I'm good, Y/n, let me take one of you two if you want.

-Oh, okay, thanks Lando. -Pierre grabbed you by the waist and you posed, Lando took a bunch, he handed your phone back, you selected one, you always had "live" on for the photos, you put it on long exposure so it looked blurred and cool and posted it to your instagram story. -It's great you're here because we have so many shots and we're only two so now you can drink with us.

-I can see that. -he looked at Lando. -What are you doing here anyway? Why aren't you with Carlos?

-They broke up. -Lando answered for you, you frowned your eyebrows, Lando clearly was annoyed because Pierre showed up.

-I'm sorry, Y/n.

-You're not. -Lando replied.

-Neither are you. -Pierre said, your phone started to ring, you walked away a little and answered it.

-Hello? -Pierre grabbed your hand. -Pierre, stop. -you laughed. -I'll be right back.

-Pierre? Hello? Sister, where are you? -Charles asked.

-I'm in the club with Lando and Pierre, I mean, I came with Lando and we ran into Pierre so now the three of us are here.

-Okay...weird, I just wanted to check up on you but I guess you're in good hands.

-Yeah, I am. -you smiled.

-Are you drunk?

-I'm getting there, brother.

-Well, take care of yourself and I'll see you soon.

-Yep, I'm going with Lando, we arrive on Thursday.

-Great, see you then, good night. -he hung up.

-I'm back. -you said, Pierre and Lando were quiet. -You're killing the mood, let's dance, let's drink, c'mon.

-I think I'm gonna go. -Lando said. -I'll see you at your place.

-Don't be ridiculous.

-Yeah, Norris drink up. -Pierre gave a shot to Lando.

-Fine. -he drank it.

-Be careful with her head. -Lando said, you were almost unconscious.

-I know, Lando, just open the door.

You felt them lay you down on your bed, take off your shoes and put you in your pajamas, one of them covered you with a blanket.

-She looks so cute when she's asleep. -you heard Lando said, you felt them sitting next to you.

-She looks cute all the time. -Pierre replied. -She cast a spell on us.

-I don't know what it is, I just know I'd do anything for her.

-Same, mate, a part of me knows that we won't ever get back together but just hearing her voice or her laugh, I'm cool with it.

-Yeah, I'm just glad she's still in our lives. -Lando sighed. -She has a power over us that I don't understand but I'll always be here for her.

-Even if it's just as a friend. -Pierre finished Lando's sentence.

You woke up with your head ringing. You felt your eyes swollen and your mouth dry. You rubbed your eyes and stretched. You were a little disoriented and still sleepy, you looked around your room and found Pierre and Lando sleeping next to you. You remembered the conversation they had and smiled, you felt nostalgic. They were turning their backs to each other, you took a selfie with that scenario, they looked so cute. You settled back into bed, you were facing Pierre, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


how Pierre and Lando talks about Y/n...I want that, they're the sweetest <3 and the fact the two of them never left her alone, wow

tysm for almost 23.6K reads, I'm gonna cry omgggg and I love reading your comments, you're the kindest souls, I'm so glad you're liking the story!! I'm trying to keep it entertained :)) oh! don't forget to vote and comment what you think

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