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You held onto your brother even tighter, not wanting to talk to him or anyone else in that moment. The guilt was shared between the two of you, and you simply didn't feel like engaging in conversation.

-Carlos, I'll see you at the hotel, just give her some space.

Charles helped you to your feet and embraced you, while Carlos watched with a sad gaze. Your brother guided you back to the hotel, and together you went up to your room to gather your belongings and leave it for Lando. Then, you headed to Charles' room. You left your things aside and lay down on the bed. Charles wasn't going to leave you alone for a moment until you felt better. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When you opened your eyes again, everything appeared blurry. Your eyes stung, so you rubbed them and sat up in bed. Charles was still by your side, and he turned to look at you, offering a smile.

-How long did I sleep?

-You were out for about 4 hours, how are you feeling? -He asked you, you grabbed your phone and saw yourself all swollen.

-I feel like shit, on one hand, I feel like I relieved myself by telling him the truth, but on the other hand, I'm the worst person for hurting the kindest, most loving, and considerate guy in the world.

-Remember not to be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes, and Lando is a good guy. You were lucky that he reacted the way he did, and you didn't end on bad terms. Take the good and let go of the rest.

-I'll try, I make no promises. Wow, it's almost dark out there.

-Yeah, you slept a lot. -He laughed. -I'll get you a room. I'm sorry, but you can't stay with me and Charlotte. -You felt lonely.

-Yeah, I'll get it myself so I can distract myself. -You said getting up. You put on your sneakers, left the room, and took the elevator to the lobby. Approaching the reception desk, you requested a new room, provided your information, and received the key. Expressing your gratitude, you turned around and headed back to the elevator to retrieve your belongings. Your eyes met a pair of brown eyes, beneath two well-defined eyebrows, creating a beautiful yet intimidating gaze. Your heart skipped a beat, and you began to feel anxious. Trying to ignore it, you continued on your way to the elevator, but he followed you. You tried to get into the elevator in a way that would close the doors before he could reach and get on. You thought you had succeeded, but then you saw a hand between the doors, and they reopened. That's when you saw him.

-Please talk to me.

-I'm not in the mood Carlos. -You said, pressing the button to Charles' floor. -I have to move my belongings to my new room because I'm left without a boyfriend and without a room.

-I can help you move your things.

-No need to. Thanks tho.

-Y/n, let me help you. -You knew that Carlos wouldn't give up until you accepted his help. You handed him the key to your room, your new room was on the same floor as the room you were sharing with Lando, you would go get your things while meeting him in your new room. Charles opened the door and handed you your suitcase and bag. You thanked him, said goodbye to him and Charlotte, wishing them goodnight, and made your way to where you would now be staying. As you arrived, the door was open, and you could see Carlos sitting on the edge of the bed. He noticed your presence and quickly stood up, grabbing your suitcase, allowing you to enter and closing the door behind him. You didn't say anything. Carlos left your suitcase, and you opened it. You took out your pajama pants and a hoodie, quickly went into the bathroom, and changed. When you came out, Carlos was standing there, and you noticed how he couldn't stay still.

-I'm fine, you can go.

-Talk to me Y/n, what happened?

-What happened?! Lando heard everything, we broke up, I'm a terrible person. Oh, and by the way, he says that you should give him some time, but he doesn't hold any grudges. You are still friends.

-We both made mistakes, and I feel the same way as you, although I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I didn't expect everything to happen like this, and I'm truly sorry. I never wanted to hurt my friend, and least of all wanted you to get hurt in the process.

-I know, I am sorry.

-We should stop apologizing and make the most of the situation. We can be together now. -He said, closing the distance between you. As much as you liked those words, you couldn't, at least not now. You needed time, out of respect for Lando as well.

-Chili, I can't, I want to, of course I want to be with you, I need time. -You put your hand in his chest, he held them tightly.

-I get it, I told you I'll wait for you, I intend to keep my word. -He kissed your hand.

-If you want, you can stay overnight. I wouldn't mind some company.

-I'm staying, Y/n, I'm not going to leave you alone, ever.

You ordered hamburgers and french fries, each of you ordered a vanilla milkshake. You put on the movie Cars on theTV and paused it to watch it comfortably until your food was delivered to the room.

-I'll quickly go grab my charger, I'll be right back. -He gave you a sweet smile.

You really liked him a lot, and it was your chance to be together, but you didn't want to rush things. You wanted to give Lando the respect he deserved, and you needed some time alone. Before jumping into Carlos' arms, you wanted everything to flow naturally.

-Just in time, the food has just arrived. -You said, watching as he entered the room. He had put on a red hoodie and had his charger hanging from his hands. He closed the door and plugged in his phone. He sat down next to you, and you both started sharing the food. He would pick up the fries, one by one. Carlos was very methodical and perfectionist, even when it came to eating.

-If you want, I can put the pillow divider between us, or I can sleep on the floor, I don't mind. I just want you to be comfortable. -He said watching the movie and taking a sip of his milkshake.

When you were kids and had sleepovers at his house or your house, the three of you would sleep in the same bed. Carlos would always put a pillow divider between you, he was always that respectful even from a young age.

-It's not necessary, Chili, we're not little kids anymore. -You gave him a smile. You hated being seen as vulnerable, you always tried to put on a brave face even when you were broken inside.

-You know you don't have to pretend with me, Y/n. If you want to cry, go ahead, if you want to talk, do it.

-I've cried enough... I just want to thank you for being here despite the fact that I caused us to drift apart.

-I understood your position and respected your decisions. It obviously hurt me, but I understood. Don't worry about it, niña. It's in the past now.

Here's this week's chapter, tell me what you think <3
Thank you for 14K reads omg you're the best !!

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