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-Carlos POV-

-Have you talked to her? -Charles asked sitting next to me. We were at his place, everything was set for my birthday.

-No. -I said.

-Is Lucía coming?

-I think so.

-So you're still together?

-I haven't had the chance to talk to her about it and honestly, I don't know if I should, what's the point? Your sister left, she clearly doesn't want anything to do with me.

-Don't say that, she loves you, we just don't understand her acting.

-I don't know, mate. I love her, she's the love of my life, I don't know what to do for us to be together again.

-You'll know, if two people love each other, they will find their way. -he paused. -Look, if you want to have fun with Lucía, go ahead, don't tell Y/n I said that, but just have fun, it doesn't have to be serious or anything, maybe you and Y/n just need a little more time and then everything will fall into place.

-You really think so?

-Yes, she's had her fun, so have you, it's just a matter of time until you're together.

-I feel like we're running out of time. -I let out a sigh. -Maybe it's a good thing we're apart, to figure things out. I'll talk to Lucía tomorrow, I just want to enjoy my birthday. -I paused -If I can. -I said under my breath.

I was happy to be alive, healthy and to turn 27 was exciting but I felt that something was missing, not something, someone. Y/n wasn't going to be here for my birthday and I don't blame her, I get her but I really wish she'd be here, celebrating with me.

I only had a few guests. Charles, Charlotte, Lucía, Caco, Checo and Carola, Checo's wife. I wanted to invite Lando but I felt like it wasn't appropriate so I didn't invite him, especially because what happened with him and Y/n, I didn't want to create any kind of problem.

Everyone began to arrive at the time we told them to, they all wished me a happy birthday, I was happy they were here but my smile was not real.

I was really glad Checo came, I appreciate him very much, he's always been kind and a good friend and sometimes it's tiring to speak a language that isn't your first so it's nice to talk with him in spanish.

-¿Qué onda? ¿Por qué la cara larga? (what's up? why the long face?) -he asked approaching me with Carola.

-No es nada, tío. (it's nothing, mate) -I replied.

-Es tu cumpleaños, Carlos, ¿Qué tienes? (It's your birthday, Carlos, what's up with you?)

-Problemas de amor. (Love problems) -I giggled.

-¿No estás con Lucía? Se presentó con nosotros como tu novia. (Aren't you with Lucía? She introduced herself as your girlfriend) -he said. I rolled my eyes. We talked about it, we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

-Oh, no.

-Ya entiendo. (I get it) -he said. -Tú y Y/n están destinados a estar juntos, he visto como te mira, no te desanimes. (You and Y/n are destined to be together, don't bring yourself down.) -he squeezed my shoulder.


happy race weekend, here's 1/2 parts, enojoy 

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