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Ain't we all runaways?

We got time.

You looked into his eyes , you saw him blurred by tears, you smiled at him, or at least tried and he returned a warm and tender smile. His eyes were shiny, you knew it hurt him to see you like this.

-Are you feeling better? -Carlos asked.

-I'm tired but yeah.

-Do you want to tell me what happened? -he asked. You took a deep breath and you adjusted yourself in a way to have him in front of you.

-He slept with someone else last week.-you ran a hand over your lips.

-I am so sorry. -he took your hand.

-I confronted him last night about his behavior, then he said it and I just left, we're over. -Carlos holded you. -Maybe it was karma for what happened but, I was really making things right with him, I never expected any of this to happen.

-Karma or not, it's not okay, yes, you cheated on him too. -he paused. -With me but I don't understand why he would do this, what you did is long overdue and does not justify what he did, specially because you were honest and truthful with him about everything, he slept with a random girl.

-Thank you for coming for me. Probably it was too much for you to take a 16-hour flight. -you giggled.

-I would do anything for you. -he stood up. -Are you ready to go?

-Yes, please.

You got into the jet and it took off. You settled in your seats and you rested your head on his shoulder. You felt safe with Carlos by your side.

He stroked your hair.

-How are you? -he asked. You opened your eyes.

-Better. -you closed your eyes again and you let yourself be carried away by sleep.

You woke up a few hours later and saw that Carlos was asleep too. You smiled and closed your eyes again.

You woke up again when the plane started to descend. You felt renewed and ready to start a new life. As you've always thought, everything happens for a reason, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. You realized that perhaps your destiny at the end of the day was not to be with Lando but you are grateful to have realized that and to be able to end that chapter.

When you arrived in Monaco, you headed to your apartment. Carlos walked you to the door.

-Do you want me to go up? -Carlos asked. You looked him in the eyes.

-Yes. -you said. Carlos smiled and you both entered the apartment.

You went to your room and unpacked everything, arranged your things and got out of your room to be with Carlos. He was sitting on the couch, looking at his phone, he put it on the table in front of him and looked at you, you gave him a smile and sat next to him.

-What now? -he asked.

-I don't know, I feel like I'm about to start a new chapter, you know?

-I'm glad to hear that.

*start listening to runaways-the killers*

-I thought I was going to be on vacation longer and it's barely, Saturday? I don't even know what day I live on. -you covered your face.

-Yes, it's Saturday. -he laughed. -What do you want to do?

-Run away, maybe?

-Where? We can leave tomorrow.

-I was joking. -you frowned.

-I'm not.

-Are you serious? -you asked excited.

-Y/n, I think I've never been more serious in my life. -he placed one hand on your thigh. -We can take a ferry first thing tomorrow to Corsica.

-Without telling anyone?

-We're fugitives. -he laughed. -We can keep it a secret until we get there.

-I'll start packing!

-Let me go for my things to your brother's place. -he got up. -Can you lend me your car?

-Of course, grab the keys. -you got up too. -Wait, what about Charles?

-I'll just tell him I'm spending the night with you.

-Sounds like a plan, okay, well, see you in a bit. -you jumped of excitment.

You entered your room and headed to the closet. You took out the suitcase that you took to the Bahamas and started packing.

You couldn't help it, this made you very excited. You had to go with Carlos to Corsica, you had a feeling that you were going to realize many things.

You packed everything you could think of, you didn't know how many days you would be there, you didn't know anything. When you finished packing, you looked at your suitcase with satisfaction. You took it out of your room and positioned it between the door and the couch. You went to the kitchen and ate an apple to have something in your stomach.

Out of nowhere you felt that the sadness you had was going away, you planned on not thinking about Lando. Since the restaurant, Lando was already in the past and you were not going to let him bring you down.

You heard the sound of your car and opened the door, Carlos ran up with his things.



-Why don't we leave right now?

-Are you sure?

-It's already dawn.

-I think the first ferry leaves at 6AM. -he said looking at the time on his phone. -Okay, yeah, let's go.

-We can take my car. -you said. -We can leave it parked there.

-Sure, I still have the keys, are you ready? -he stretched out his hand for you to take it, you took it and with your other hand you grabbed you suitcase.

You were nervous but excited and you could tell Carlos was too. The ride there was short and nice. You reached the ferry and climbed aboard. You went to the deck and sat on a bench. You looked around. The ferry was full of people, but still, Carlos only had eyes for you.

-Thank you for encouraging me to do this, I think I really need it.

-Don't even mention it, I'm happy to be here with you.

The ferry sailed and your adventure began.

-What did Charles tell you by the way? Was he even awake?

-He wasn't, I left him a text I was spending the night at your place.

-Good. -you smiled.

The ferry moved at full speed, leaving a trail of foam. You looked at the water and felt the breeze in your hair. The landscapes seen from the ferry were impressive. The sun was already bright.

You took photos and videos, you even took some photos of Carlos when he wasn't looking and you asked him to take some of you. You looked at Carlos after he took several photos of you and walked over to him to grab your phone.

-It's amazing. -you said. -It's like I'm in a dream.

-It's magical. -he smiled.

You and Carlos got off the ferry and breathed in the Corsican fresh air. You looked around and smiled.

-I took the liberty of renting a car. -he said looking at his phone. -It's should be here somewhere.

When you found the car , the keyes were inside, you got in and continued the adventure. Carlos drove for thirty minutes and you arrived at a beautiful small hotel. It was made of stone and was among trees, it was truly beautiful.

don't you just love carlos? he is the sweetest soul 😭
next chapter will be posted when we reach 50 votes and 5 comments <3

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