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Lights out and away we go. Lewis get away very well, Max is already alongside him and Lando goes down the inside. 

You were nervous, quali went well but not enough, Lando started the race P6, Charles P7 and Carlos P15, you didn't know what to expect, the start of the race was already exciting. You were watching the race from Ferrari's garage, you haven't seen Lando, since he called you and you were with Carlos, he was in a weird mood, you texted him several times but he never replied, you wanted to give him space.

Lewis was ahead of Max, Bottas dropped three or four places and then Lando had contact, your heart skipped a beat, Bottas and Checo touched too, it was a mess, there was a yellow flag. The Alfa Romeo and Alpha Tauri got caught up as the McLaren spun around with the Ferrari aswell, you couldn't tell if it was your brother or Carlos. You heard it was Charles, you looked around and then to the screen again, it was indeed Charles, he was sitting on top of the car with a hand on his helmet, you were heart broken. Max also was caught up in all that. Somehow the left tyre of Lance was up on Charles car and then Charles hit Daniel, what a mess, you couldn't believe your eyes. You had both hands covering your mouth, you felt like crying. It was a red flag.

Lewis was the only one that was going to start the race, it was lights out and away we go only for Lewis Hamilton, what in the world was happening? He was the only one who didn't come to the pit lane to change his tyres. Into the race came George then Esteban and then Seb. Esteban took the lead as Lewis made a pit stop. 

You didn't want to watch the race anymore, Lando and Charles were out, your only hope was Carlos.

Lap 38 of 70, Carlos was P4 at the moment, Charles was watching the race next to you, you haven't talked to each other, you didn't want to bother him.

Lap 49 of 70, Carlos was P3, you could see a little smile on Charles face, even though he was out, he was happy for Carlos.

Lewis passed Carlos, he got better traction coming out of that corner, Carlos was forcing him deep to try and put pressure on him. Carlos was fighting back, you were shaking.

The race results were shocking to everyone, Esteban Ocon won the Hungarian Grand Prix followed but Seb and then Lewis. 

People were talking and whispering, you wanted to know what was going on.

-Charles? -you asked.

-I think Carlos might be P3, they said something about Seb. -he paused. -Let's just wait.

The celebration on the podium went just like always, you were waiting for them to finish their interviews, you were leaning against the wall and you saw Carlos walking to you.

-Hey. -he smiled and he stood next to you, leaning against the wall too.

-Hi. -you paused. -So are you P3 or...?

-We'll know later. -He smiled.

-I hope you get it. 

-Did you enjoy the race?

-Not really, it was stressfull. 

-I know! The start, I'm so sorry Charles was caught up in all that.

-Me too, poor Charles but he was happy you had a great race. -he looked to the side of you. 

-Hey, mate. -he said and you turned to see who it was. -Let me find Isa, I'll see you later. -he squeezed your shoulder.

-Hi, Y/n. -Lando said standing in front of you.

-I wasn't sure you wanted to talk to me. -you said unbothered.

-I always want to talk to you. -he paused. -I don't know, I'm sorry.

-It's alright. -you half smiled

-Do you have any plans with your brother for the summer break?

Brother's best friendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ